What kind of bugs and insects can baby chicks eat with out grit?


6 Years
Apr 7, 2013
Orlando Flordia
Hey I dont know what bugs/insects are safe for baby chicks... or harmful for them. I know they can eat almost anything when they become adult chickens. Also what kind of table scraps are baby and adult chickens aloud to have? Plz help!!!!!
FYI: I don't have grit for them yet
Don't feed them anything but chick feed unless you get them some chick grit.

How old are they?

Might be a good idea to read some things on the raising baby chick forum.
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My chicks are only 2 weeks, they were outside last weekend and found and ate worms, betles, ladybugs, all kinds of stuff, i didn't plan on it but you can't really take the bugs out of the yard. I gave them some chick grit later that night but it's 4 days later and they are bigger and brighter then ever. I say go for it, as long as you don't wait too long on the grit I'm sure it's fine.
Awesome!!!! Becuase I'd already take them out everyday... just was woundering if there was any bugs/insects I should stay away from,I'm trying to stay on the safe side, I dont want them to die at such a young age or get soo sick that they die.
Does that work? Or am I sounding to over protective?
Mine have been outside eating bugs every day, and I haven't given them grit because the kind I bought says to wait until they are something like 8 weeks old, I'm not sure on that age though. Anyway, they eat dirt and things with the bugs so I'm sure it's fine. I've also given them a few scraps but I'm holding off on more of that until they go outside for good and have sand.
I found chick grit, and its made for especially baby chicks. I think the only difference is that it's ground a little finer. The ingredients on both the adult and chick grit is just "Grit" lol. So that's the only difference I see. I would say if you have chick grit then perfect, if it for adults I'm not sure what to tell you, they may not be able to eat or digest the larger pieces or it may not help like it should. But as little as it may be there is a difference between adult grit and chick grit.

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