What kind of ducks are these?

I think you are right. After looking at mine this evening I think we have white Muscovy. The pale beaks that are tipped down at the end. Mine have longer claws, and have been making the Muscovy purring sound. So very exciting. They both were the same size at first but now one is much larger. Perhaps I have a male and female :)
The black on the head, and the growth starting on the beak....mine also has some red blotches starting on beak :)
Which tsc did you get them from? My male is huge too! I've been doing the Brewers yeast also but don't see much difference

This is them yesteray
Male Muscovy ducklings lay down often when they are going through growth spurts. I remember being worried about my first drake, thinking there was something wrong. Move to food, flop down and eat. Follow mum and than flop down. Lose sight of mum, panic, peep like crazy, spot her and run over. Flop down next to her wagging tail and trilling/purring happy. Good times....
I agree they are most likely Pekin. That is the most common breed sold in feed stores.

Are you brooding them in that basket or were they just out for a little visit? I'm asking because young ducklings need to be kept warm. They should have an area in their brooder that is 90 for the first week and then lowered by 5 degrees each week. They should also have an area that is cooler for them to escape from the heat if needed. (I don't mean to insult you by assuming you don't already know this. Just want to make sure.)
Oh no they are in a brooder. We take them out a few minutes at a time each day and hold them, hoping they will imprint on us
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I keep reading how horribly messy they are. I haven't noticed a difference between them and chickens but maybe as they grow I will.
Nope, I'm in PA, lol They told me they were just "assorted ducklings" but were definitely NOT pekins..... I don't think they had a clue!
That brings up another question I have....I had them out in my garage but couldn't seem to keep the temp up so I thought I'd bring them inside for a week or so. Our garage is kind of cold atm, any suggestions?

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