What kind of predator?


6 Years
May 4, 2017
What kind of predator takes 3 older/ bigger chicks without a trace within maybe an hour or so but leaves the rest of the group of 10 or so just sitting there? I think the most likely is a rat or a hawk but find it odd if it was a hawk that it took 3 and if it was a rat it left the rest unharmed.
Raccoons would be my guess.
They tend to bring the whole family, steal multiple birds, and take off with the whole carcass.
Were they out free ranging? Cooped up? What time of day?
This will help me narrow it down to the main culprit
They were out in our yard. I was out there to lock up about a half hour late. The big hens were in the coop already but the doors were wide open and they would've been totally accessible to ehatwhat. The chicks pile in a corner by our window well and I take them to the coop when I go to lock up and 3 were missing. I searched everywhere but can't find anything. I was out at 6 to throw out scratch so sometime between then and 9:30. So pretty dark bit still some light. I feel so bad if I had been out on time maybe they wouldn't have been gotten!

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