What kinda crushed pepper do I give them for the "increased laying"?

Birdforum.com is for wild bird watchers. There's a thread on that forum about mixing powdered red pepper (cayenne) or chili powder in with wild bird seed to keep the squirrels away. It won't harm the birds and they can't taste it. They say use enough so that all the feed has a bit of a coating on it. Paprika won't keep squirrels away, it's not strong enough.

The flaked stuff doesn't work as well because it's large enough to be picked around by the squirrels.
As far as for egg production in chickens ... if they eat the flakes it'll work, if they don't eat it ....
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i put about 3 heaping spoonfulls in about a gallon or so of feed. i saw improvement the next few days. you can get some crushed red pepper for .50 cents and the dollar store
dows that work for any birds...say...parakeets??
I did for my chooks tonight, I made cornmeal and mixed A LOT of powder pepper in it and boil it a little and fed it. they liked it. Hopefully they will lay more.
I just read on a chicken website that you should spike their water with cayenne pepper to make them feel warm inside (like summer) to encourage winter laying. If they can't feel the heat (because of no capcison (sp?) receptors), is that bogus? Or does it heat up their insides without them being aware of it.
I've been using hot pepper in my wild bird seed for years. I give it to my chickens too. I think there are a lot of health benefits, and since birds can't taste the "hot" it doesn't bother them. Sure it could be done for indoor pet birds too.

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