What makes a coop "Fort Knox" predator proof?

Very impressed by all the coops I've seen . Thank you. I've only started keeping chickens 3 years I've had to replace my whole flock this year. My predator was my neighbor who had alzheimers he would go in my coop and take 3 and 4 at a time. I got so discour aged I did no where they where going. Or how it was happening. I wouldn't find holes,feathers, nothing he sold his property and moved . The new neighbors moved in 2 year's ago and showed me the freezer full of my plucked princesses . 42 chickens. I'm planning on expanding my coop. So thank u for all the information.
Very impressed by all the coops I've seen . Thank you. I've only started keeping chickens 3 years I've had to replace my whole flock this year. My predator was my neighbor who had alzheimers he would go in my coop and take 3 and 4 at a time. I got so discour aged I did no where they where going. Or how it was happening. I wouldn't find holes,feathers, nothing he sold his property and moved . The new neighbors moved in 2 year's ago and showed me the freezer full of my plucked princesses . 42 chickens. I'm planning on expanding my coop. So thank u for all the information.

I'm so sorry. That's totally bizarre. Wishing you well with your flock!!
Very impressed by all the coops I've seen . Thank you. I've only started keeping chickens 3 years I've had to replace my whole flock this year. My predator was my neighbor who had alzheimers he would go in my coop and take 3 and 4 at a time. I got so discour aged I did no where they where going. Or how it was happening. I wouldn't find holes,feathers, nothing he sold his property and moved . The new neighbors moved in 2 year's ago and showed me the freezer full of my plucked princesses . 42 chickens. I'm planning on expanding my coop. So thank u for all the information.
Besides all the regular predators, now we need to ADD HOMOSAPIENS.

AT LEAST THIS ONE ONLY HOARDED THOSE CHICKENS. Mental instability. There are threads of thieves that regularly stole to eat them.
Besides all the regular predators, now we need to ADD  HOMOSAPIENS. :gig   
AT LEAST THIS ONE ONLY HOARDED THOSE CHICKENS. Mental instability.   There are threads of thieves  that regularly stole to eat them. 
there was a family who had a man arrested for "coop molestation " for lack of a better term. He never took the birds just did horrible stuff to them.
Didn't read whole thread, but skimmed it. No true fort Knox coup is complete until you surround with electric. Its cheap, easy to install and works like nothing else in my opinion.
Very impressed by all the coops I've seen . Thank you. I've only started keeping chickens 3 years I've had to replace my whole flock this year. My predator was my neighbor who had alzheimers he would go in my coop and take 3 and 4 at a time. I got so discour aged I did no where they where going. Or how it was happening. I wouldn't find holes,feathers, nothing he sold his property and moved . The new neighbors moved in 2 year's ago and showed me the freezer full of my plucked princesses . 42 chickens. I'm planning on expanding my coop. So thank u for all the information.

BTW...I have our coop and run entrances padlocked. Not so much to prevent theft necessarily but there a lot of kids in our neighborhood. Was concerned that they might let the chicken out during the day when we are not there plus just general piece of mind. Might be something to consider.
You did an EXCELLENT JOB. There is no such thing as totally predator proof, but you come very close. The predators you list should be well deterred. If you did encounter bears, well, they can overcome most things short of Alcatras. The other lil devils are the weasels martins, and mink type predators. Hope you don't have those in your area. About the only thing I would add would be a Hot Wire Electric fence. Wait and see if you need one. The most important is to look up your chickens for the night. That is when most predator attacks occur.
WOW now that's a coop! Do you ha e instructions on how to build one like that?
Surely it's in here. Just haven't read through every post.
***Electric Fence!! - just strand wire. Been using for years. Never a breach! Even if it goes down in snow for a day or so, or i forget to plug it in, the preds are trained. They don't come into my yard. My birds bite!

No digging. No work, I can throw a pen together quicky and easily and sleep well.

You only need the smallest charger and 2 strands, one at 4 inches, one at about 2-3 feet. Simple.

Hawks will get a bird when free ranging, cover free range area with criss crossed twine, and /or lots of random obstacles. ( a whoop of welded wire, branches, whatever.) Hawks generally won't come down where there is no space to maneuver, they don't want to damage their wings
Hi everyone!

Reading here, I see we all have predator issues, which vary greatly depending on where we live. I'm in Southeast MI(60 miles N of Detroit) in a rural area. Our main predators are fox, coyote, hawks, owls, opossum, and skunks, and the ever popular raccoon. Snakes are generally not an issue, although we do have garter snakes(those are the only ones I've ever seen.)

This is my first year having chickens and I have built my coop as close to predator proof as I believe it can be, and was wondering what everyone else considers to be "Fort Knox" safe.

I covered the eaves with 1/4" hardware cloth attached with screws and fender washers.
The windows and one pop door(that isn't used) are also covered on the inside in the same manner.
The coop is 4x8, 2 1/2' off the ground, so it would be hard for anything to get in from underneath the coop.
The run surrounds 3 sides of the coop, total dimensions are 16'x16' with 4' of one end comprised of the coop itself. This is completely covered in 1/2" hardware cloth again attached with screws and fender washers.
The top of the run is 2x4's attached to the coop and top edge of the run walls with joist hangers screwed in, and completely covered in 1/2" hardware cloth as well.
There are no openings in the hardware cloth larger than 1/2" anywhere.
Not done yet , but to be finished before the weather gets cold is a 2' skirt of 1/2" hardware cloth attached along the bottom 2x4 of the run walls again with screws and fender washers to prevent diggers from getting in.
So far, so good.

My weak points, that I can see are the window sash locks on the back doors. IF anything got in they could easily undo them. My plan to remedy this is to attach something to the door handles that will prevent them from opening even if the sash locks are undone. Like a chain through them with a lock or something
There is space around the gate to the run, that the hardware cloth extends over an opening greater than 1/2" to allow the door to swing in all weather. This is mainly along the latch side. My plan to counter this is to screw a 3-4" strip of plywood the length of the sash side, on the outside that will act as a "stop" and also cover the gap. Sorry I don't have a picture of the gate.

Here are a few pics to illustrate.

Now, please share what you have done to build "Fort Knox" and also suggest what you would do differently if you were me( or other posters as the case may be.) Maybe we can all get some tips and tricks that will help us keep our cheeps safe. :)

Wow! Great pictures of your run!

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