What makes a coop "Fort Knox" predator proof?

The thing is, we're only planning on having like 3 chickens total, so not a lot of room for losses... I'll try 1"x1" holes and if something STILL gets in, I'm running electricity along the fence and setting land mines filled with cayenne pepper around the perimeter :mad::lol:
Electric wires, for sure, is the mother of all protection. In the very beginning of my chicken keeping I ran a 3 strand hot wire around my run (little prefab coop inside the kennel) as I had no earthly idea how this chicken protecting gig worked. Based on my property set up, it was overkill. After all my ‘curious’ pets (dogs and cats) were each lit up once, it was no longer needed. Even after 3 years, I’m convinced one of my dogs still thinks those chickens will shock her.

Big stores usually have lower prices.
In my case, Home Depot did not carry the 100’ rolls. And, at the price of their 3’x25’ rolls, I couldn’t have afforded it if they did.
I might consider it, except I don't want my kids lit up :lol: Hardware cloth it is then...
My electric wire was charged by our portable fence charger we used at horse shows/rodeos. The charger just plugs into a marine battery. Instead of being tied the entire time, it allowed the horses a little room to move around the trailer. It has an on/off switch on it and I only turned it on at night (after all my other animals were made “believers”). It was never on when my grandchildren were out running around.
You did an EXCELLENT JOB. There is no such thing as totally predator proof, but you come very close. The predators you list should be well deterred. If you did encounter bears, well, they can overcome most things short of Alcatras. The other lil devils are the weasels martins, and mink type predators. Hope you don't have those in your area. About the only thing I would add would be a Hot Wire Electric fence. Wait and see if you need one. The most important is to look up your chickens for the night. That is when most predator attacks occur.
Yep, I totally agree and was also thinking electric fence. I have a solar powered motion light as well. It kicks on if anything walks by and I can look across the room and see what is going on out there. Beautiful job! Your fencing is much more secure than mine.
My electric wire was charged by our portable fence charger we used at horse shows/rodeos. The charger just plugs into a marine battery. Instead of being tied the entire time, it allowed the horses a little room to move around the trailer. It has an on/off switch on it and I only turned it on at night (after all my other animals were made “believers”). It was never on when my grandchildren were out running around.
I clearly need to read up on electric fencing... If I can turn it on and off easily, and if it can deter things as large as a horse, then this is sounding really promising!! Was it expensive?
I might consider it, except I don't want my kids lit up :lol: Hardware cloth it is then...
I have been zapped on mine more times than I can count. From experience, you definitely don't want to try to pull a fresh weed off or bump it with a wet boot haha. Still, my fence is much less powerful than the fences on the professional enclosures where I have worked. I have bumped them 2 times and I swear they almost put me on the ground. I could feel it all the way down into my feet and my muscles felt weak for several minutes. I am sure that isn't really good for the heart. Yikes!
@goldysgirl :eek: whoa!! How do you keep it from shocking the chickens? Does it have to be installed some distance from the run fence? That would make it easy to trip over it, even if you turn it off while you're working in the vicinity... but if it's right up against the fencing, then it might shock the chickens...
Was it expensive?
Here is a picture of mine (yep it’s old but it still works) and I googled the brand. It isn’t expensive considering the cost of the others. The marine battery, roll of wire and ground stakes would have to be added in to the cost as well. But, it’s totally worth it.

I didn’t have any grass or weeds to contend with since it was only running around my run. It has two settings (hot and really hot) and an on/off switch on the bottom. And you better believe a horse respects the juice! They stay far away from it when it’s on. They hear the clicking noise an e-fence makes.

Just a note about an electric fence: never grab a wire to ‘test’ if it is on or not. If you feel the need to touch one, place the back of your hand against it. The reason being a shock from it could be strong enough to make your hand muscles contract, thus not being able to let go. Come to think of it, I guess this would be more for DC (direct current) than for AC (alternating current). Nevertheless it’s still valuable information. :confused:



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