What other animals can chickens go with?


Mar 29, 2020
So I have some polish that get picked in by the other hens and I was wondering if I can put my pet rabbits and polish chickens together?
I currently have a quail in with my rabbits and doing good. Chickens carry more diseases than quail though, such as coccidia. Personally I wouldn't put them together.
I currently have a quail in with my rabbits and doing good. Chickens carry more diseases than quail though, such as coccidia. Personally I wouldn't put them together.
How many rabbits do u have with your quail? What’s you set up?
Personally, I would not have my rabbits outside with chickens. I would keep them inside or build them their own house. I have lots of info on that if you'd like me to share.

But yes, you can there are just risks with doing this. Sometimes they get along great, and sometimes they don't.
Disease has already been mentioned, and that is one risk. And, rabbits can get very overheated outside in summer. Though they typically do well in the cold they can die from becoming overheated. Some climates are too hot to keep rabbit happy outside. I do not know where you are located but this is something to keep in mind.
Another risk, which is really just a rick of being outside, are predators. Rabbits are very fragile animals. Even if a predator doesn't kill them from attacking it could give them a heart attack quite easily.
Many people do not want their rabbits indoors because of the smell. But, rabbits are actually very clean animals. Their poo doesn't smell at all, they're basically just dry balls if hay. Their pee does stink though.
When you keep them in a cage with bedding they will use the while cage as a litter box. Not only does this smell bad but it is also a waste if money. Instead you just need a large litter box with good litter and lots of hay. Cleaning the litter box regularly will reduce smell. Having your bunnies fixed will very much help their litter training habits.
Another bonus to having them go in a litter box is that you can have all their poo ti put in a garden. Rabbit poop is great for gardens since you don't have to compost it. You can put all their poop, hay, and litter in. Don't use cat litter since it can be fatal if your bunny eats it, and you can't put cat litter in the garden.
Another reason people don't keep them inside is because of chewing. Since bunnies teeth are constantly growing they will chew things to keep them short. Provide lots if chew toys for your bunny, unlimited hay, and bunny proof and you'll find that chewing isnt an issues. Some bunnies chew more than others though, so if that is the case I recommend using bitter apple spray. Bunnies hate the taste (and I'm sure anyone else would too) so you just have to spray it whever your bunny has been chewing and they should stop chewing that area.
If you do decide to keep your bunny indoors I really recommend a playpen. These are much cheaper than a cage and much better for your bunny. They can have all their needs and they'll still have exercise space.
Another bonus to keeping them inside us that you'll be able to bond with them much more.

@Fishychix knows more about keeping rabbits with chicken than I do though.

I recommend checking out the Bunny Chat Thread. Lots more bunny owners there to talk with. We'll get notified when you post there and we'll try to help with any questions you may have. You can also share you're own knowledge there as well.

Sorry for such a long post, I often get a bit carried away when it comes to talking about rabbits. I could talk about them all day!
But I hope this helps you 😊
I am a firm believer in keeping everyone separated. The exception might be letting fowl range with goats or other large livestock during the day if the area is large enough and you weren't mixing fowl types ( chickens and geese for example), but as far as permanent housing, they all need their own space.
How many rabbits do u have with your quail? What’s you set up?
2 rabbits with on lonely hen bobwhite quail. I have a play pen with a tarp under it. Please excuse the mess I need to clean it. My quail has learned to drink out of the water bottle and I give her a pile of food.


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I just suspended some rabbit cages in my chicken coop this week. Plan to get the buns when water stops freezing this spring! The rabbits have their own cages (48"x30" for does, 36"x30" for bucks) that the chicken's can't access or go on top of, but they share a barn so I didn't have to build a new one for the rabbits. My rabbits will be a breeding trio for meat. I did this to maximize the production of my barn. The animal's can't interact/hurt each other, but my barn space is efficiently utilized.

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