What predators can roosters actually kill/fend off?

I've actully seen many videos of roosters taking on a hawk that's swooped down and missed the target and by the time it takes flight the rooster is on it straight away. I think it's all in the mindset. My south African mastiff which is a huge muscular 13 stone lost a tumble with a jack Russell x Yorkshire. But he also taught the bull in the nabouring field that approaching him is a bad idea lol. The best thing for a rooster todo is to lead the predator away from his hens and play a game of "catch me"
Bravery does not equal might .He may put on a good show but no rooster can whip a coon or a coyote. Sooner or later he'll stand up to a hungry one and lose his life. My guess is he's not very old and his hormones are off the charts.Roosters are lucky to weighs 10 lbs .
He just hit 5 yrs old this pass spring. He IS slowing down. I free range alot. So I know, eventually he will meet his maker. But so far, he has held his own. If it wasn't for me being home all the time. That coyote who attack my red hen, would of probably killed them both. But he also hasn't been able to fend them all, we have lost our casualties to free ranging too.
My EE rooster is a beautiful prick... He has defended his flock against hawks, coyotes, and racoons. Oh and occasionally a snake or 2. One time that really pops into my head... it was maybe 3pm and I was taking water to my coop. I open the run, to see my rooster laying into a racoon that got in with them. He had it cornered and the girls was inside. So I hurried up and ran back to the house to grab the 22. I come back maybe a minute (probably more like 30 seconds) later, he still was holding his own. So it gave me enough time to take the racoon down. Everyone was safe even my boy. He has ran down coyote that was chasing my red hen Goldie down, she got a little torn up that day but healed up fine. Me and him hate each other, but he does do a great job protecting his flock.

That’s the kind of aggressive rooster I would think twice about keeping. ❤️
Its when they perceive us as a threat to the flocks existence that roosters become aggressive. Our own aggression is what triggers them. Something simple as flinging a plastic tarp or a piece of plastic or throwing a bucket. By limiting the presence of other people around the flock I've eliminated triggers.No one gathers eggs or feeds but me.

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