What should a high quality silkie roo be like? *Pics update*

No offense but... I'm not being mean but in my opinion she's not very good looking... I'm sorry I said that.
It's just.. Does it really matter what color of silkie I would want to breed him with? I sorta want a white pullet or hen, whichever won't peck my hand (probably a pullet haha). Skippy also makes an excellent lap chicken. I also want a lap chicken like silkie.
Nope, he's not gray.

Perhaps your gray is not a gray?

To moochie,.. don't go white, go with a blue or black hen no leakage. You asked for info on high quality silkie roos. Here it is:

He isn't bad, but he's not showable and needs improvement in comb and color,.. there is a lot I can't tell from the picture such as foot feathering,.. or much about the wings, or eye color, or toe spacing.

If you want to make babies that are better than him get a nice blue or black hen, no leakage, nice comb no horns.
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No offense but... I'm not being mean but in my opinion she's not very good looking... I'm sorry I said that.
It's just.. Does it really matter what color of silkie I would want to breed him with? I sorta want a white pullet or hen, whichever won't peck my hand (probably a pullet haha). Skippy also makes an excellent lap chicken. I also want a lap chicken like silkie.

Hahaha I wasn't saying she was good looking but she has the exact same coloring as your rooster, they look the same so if my hen is not good looking by default your rooster isn't either lol
No offense but... I'm not being mean but in my opinion she's not very good looking... I'm sorry I said that.
It's just.. Does it really matter what color of silkie I would want to breed him with? I sorta want a white pullet or hen, whichever won't peck my hand (probably a pullet haha). Skippy also makes an excellent lap chicken. I also want a lap chicken like silkie.

Hahaha I wasn't saying she was good looking but she has the exact same coloring as your rooster, they look the same so if my hen is not good looking by default your rooster isn't either lol

I think your hen is beautiful
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In my opinion I think Skippy is a cutie patootie
I don't want to breed him to get a better silkie, I wanna breed him so I have more lap chickens! And so Skippy can actually have his own little harem of hens since he's the ONLY bantam we have. His aunty is deceased. If I do get another silkie I want a chick (or a few chicks) to hand raise because we've learned that adult chickens aren't very friendly (I know some are very friendly but where we got some adult chickens they weren't, mainly because the owners of the ranch didn't spend time with them).
Going to shows should be fun and if good ol' Skippy doesn't quite fit the "standard of perfection" that's okay with me.
When he was a chick I took him to the pet show at EAFB and he won 1st place in smallest pet and 3rd in cutest. It was funny because a couple of the teacup chihuahua owners (who also were in those contests) were giving me the stink eye and talking with other chihuahua owners.

Skippy pwned the chihuahuas!
Hahaha I wasn't saying she was good looking but she has the exact same coloring as your rooster, they look the same so if my hen is not good looking by default your rooster isn't either lol

I think your hen is beautiful


Moochie, you asked for advice so I gave it. By 'bad genes' (which was corrected by those who know more than I-thank you) I mean that the genes he has, resulted in the coloring. Leakage happens. I own a bird with leakage. Love her to death...wouldn't show her. If you really want to show your bird, go for it. If anything, being a junior has it's benefits with exhibiting, moreso in the showmanship field. I never said your bird was not 'pretty' and never meant to offend, if I did.

By 'his wing', I meant that it looks somewhat like his primaries fold over his secondaries. Again, I was just trying to give some feedback. As far as I know, it could just look that way in the pic and be totally fine. If you want to show for fun, have at it. Was only looking to help...

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