What Should I do to prepare me, my chickens, and the Coop? (Minnesota)

Wondering what I should be doing to prepare for the winter in Minnesota
Post some pics of your coop and run, and we can give more specific advice.

Oh, and....Here's how to add your general geographical location to your profile.
It's easy to do, and then it's always there!
If your coop is small... then think through if there is a way to roof your run and put up some wind blocks in the run.

A way to heat water makes life easier.

I prefer a water de-icer in a rubber pan.

But. You want lots of ventilation, preferably in ways that not too much snow blows in.

But, you probably don't need heat... unless your place is -30F for weeks on end.
I prefer the heated bases for metal waterers, and there's one for plastic waterers too. Having roosters who have big wattles (none here!) is a disadvantage in cold weather, because they will get frostbitten. And open pans of water can be walked through, and wet legs and feet can also get frostbitten.
Pictures of your coop and run will help, and how many birds, and how far from an unfrozen water source?
@Alaskan is the best!
Free of drafts, lots of straw or bedding on the floor and some extra chicken scratch, is what I do. I also watch for birds that are not as cold tolerant and need extra help. Mine are all hiding in their coop to stay out of the wind. (This popped up on my page, didn't realize it was an older post)
We are getting negative wind chills so Ive got the whole run wrapped in clear tarps to create some greenhouse effect when we do have sun and then an extra wind block around their dust bath under the coop. When it's single digits, like it has been here for days, I hang my brooder heat lamp under the coop behind the wind break so they have a place to warm up a bit. They wander around their run to eat and drink but when it's real brutal they hang out under them and seem comfortable. I use a galvanized waterer on top of a heated base that works pretty well. it will still freeze below zero but generally just on top and melts if I poor some hot water in it. Also when snow does get blown into the run, I just throw a little straw down so they can walk on that instead of getting cold toes. Hope this help!
We are getting negative wind chills so Ive got the whole run wrapped in clear tarps to create some greenhouse effect when we do have sun and then an extra wind block around their dust bath under the coop. When it's single digits, like it has been here for days, I hang my brooder heat lamp under the coop behind the wind break so they have a place to warm up a bit.
That heat lamp is not only a fire hazard, but a burn hazard as it's so close to the birds and not blocked off in any way. Please rethink using it, a radiant heater would be a bit safer if you feel you must heat your birds. Wind chill should not be a factor as you have your run wrapped.

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