What Size Door?

NC Chick Man82

6 Years
Jul 9, 2013
North Carolina
I want to cut a door for chickens into the main door i use to get into coop. What is a good size door to cut for adult chickens to get in and out but helps keep larger predators out as well? I am planning on having it on a slide so I can slide it up for them to get in and down to keep them in and everything else out.
Owls, hawks, coyotes and raccoons will all squeeze through a pop door, as will rats and weasels, and they all kill chickens. So make it a nice comfortable size for your chickens to go in and out- the safety will be that the pop door is closed for night time.

Use 1/2 inch hardware cloth on all openings in the coop (like windows and vents) to keep out rats and weasels, as they can get through anything larger.
Thanks but i got netting up all around and they kill rats and mice if they get in... also have electric fence so coons and stuff are no worries already got a few of them burned up...

Thanks for the advice though

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