What size of coop for 8-10 hens?

I have 10 (8 regular and 2 bantams) and we are building and 8'x6' coop that is elevated and the run is 8'x14' (I can also open them up to use the other 15 feet that is in the dog kennel which we are building it in. It is a 10x6x30).
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I am building a 4x10 chicken tractor. I keep hearing different things on how many chickens I can put inside.
Normally 4 square feet per bird is acceptable...some people may make it more tight if they let the birds free range a lot or have a large run area. I wouldn't stray from this though. If your tractor is 4x10, then you should be able to keep 10 birds. Keep in mind, that is maxing out the space inside the coop, so you will really need to stay on top of it and properly maintain it. Smaller Coops mean bigger mess!
I live in Michigan and we get alot of snow, so I go with 3 sq ft per bird so they stay warm in winter, not sure where in Ohio you are and how much snow you get but something to consider! Go as big as you can on space though.... you will inevitably want more chickens!
My chickens often can't go out in the winter because of the snow, so I have to have oodles of space or they start to eat each other.

I ended up with a warm, smaller, coop connected to a drafty but protected from snow shed part. Also, I have it set up so that their shed connects to my greenhouse and I give them access in the winter so they have even more protected play space.
I have 10 (8 regular and 2 bantams) and we are building and 8'x6' coop that is elevated and the run is 8'x14' (I can also open them up to use the other 15 feet that is in the dog kennel which we are building it in. It is a 10x6x30).

Not to threadjack, but is that enough space for 8 regular and 2 bantams (only hens will be in there, if any of mine turn out to be roos, a friend is taking them).
I am building a 4x10 chicken tractor. I keep hearing different things on how many chickens I can put inside.
I meant my question to you.. how big is your coop part of the tractor, and is it elevated so they have space underneath to go to?. Likely you will only be able to get about 4 chickens there. They need 10 square feet each of free space for their day to day stuff. Four sqare feet per per is only for inside the coop, and that is under the assumption they will also get the 10 square feet in addtion.

Now... If your only using your chicken tractor to raise cornishX for meat, you can definately add more.
Thanks everyone. I am a rookie at this chicken thing, but with that said I can't wait to meet my beautiful little ladies. I have ordered 6 Buff Orpingtons and I hope my girls enjoy their new home. P.S I love BYC!!!
I am building a 4x10 chicken tractor. I keep hearing different things on how many chickens I can put inside.
The size of the coop (or run) you will need varied by your circumstance. Especially the breed you choose and the weather. We have two 4'x6 ' hoop style portable runs that we move around put over our raised garden beds between crops. We use these because we can't give the hens free range in this unfenced part of our yard. The portables are comfortable for 2 standard size hens but only for a few hours while they are "working" because once the soil has been worked they get listless and start pacing and squawking.

We have 9 hens in a 6x7 coop with two nest boxes. This would be way too small if they spent any time in it at all. But it works because then are never shut in all day, there is only 4-5 days when it rains so much that they need to stay in the covered run (125 sq ft), and seldom more than a day or two in a five year period that they couldn't be outside at all. The only time the ladies go into the coop is to use the nest boxes and to sleep.

As for nest boxes We started off with two "community" nest boxes but one has been converted to storage since they all lay in which ever box the first one uses that day. We divided it into two so we have one in case a hen goes broody.

How I understood it, your tractor (run and coop space combined) is 4X10. So IMO a 4x10 tractor is ok for 5-6 confined standard size hens as long as it's moved frequently so they have something to occupy themselves otherwise it will only accommodate 3 or 4.
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Our rules of thumb for chicken housing:

  • 1 nesting box for every 4 chickens. They are community nesters, and like to lay where other chickens have laid. Even with other open nesting boxes, our hens still pile on top of each other in one box.
  • 4 Sq Ft. per chicken in the coop. This is a minimum based on the INSIDE of the coop. Mostly, they are only ever inside to sleep or lay eggs; but on a winter day if its raining or windy, they will sometimes opt to stay inside, and it's not nice to keep them cramped up for a long rainy season.
  • 10 Sq Ft. per chicken in the enclosed run. This is a minimum based on the average time the chicken spends outside foraging, playing, dustbathing, etc as opposed to inside. Even if you plan to let them free range in the backyard at all times, think about the times you'll leave for vacation, or the times you've got a predator problem and need a place for safe keeping.
  • 8-10 inches per chicken in roosting space. Chickens snuggle, and don't need much room for sleeping. More perches are always fun, and can be used for play too, but for sleeping 8-10 inches is the minimum.
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