What Special Treat or Yummy Did Your Flock Get Today?

BOSS~ black organic sunflower seeds?? I think?
ten week old pullets got frozen watermelon, frozen raw goat milk yogurt, leftover baked potatoes and some apple cores...
Yes, BOSS is black oil sunflower seeds.

Today, mine got strawberry ends and the culled blueberries from a package I bought. They've been getting cooked macaroni, Brussels sprout leaves, organic baby greens just a bit past their prime, overripe bananas, and the lamb's quarters and dandelions I've found growing around the property. These girls are great for using up stuff that would otherwise go to waste or go in the compost pile.
Today is Wednesday so they all got cooked oatmeal this morning...

Thursday they get to move out to the cabbage fields before I plow everything under now that we have harvested.

Friday is they day I clean out the fridge so they'll get leftovers
This plus a few squash.
Mine got BOSS, strawberries, squash vine and fennel today. The three new girls are getting braver, and Buffy will even take treats out of my hand just like our original chickens.
A slew of strawberry ends (though they don't seem to like strawberries!), some romaine, half a tomato, a few leaves of Napa cabbage, honeydew melon rinds, a little watermelon, a half-eaten over-ripe peach, a bit of whole wheat bread and a half-eaten buttered hot dog roll, some flax seed, a handful of grated mozzarella, and a little leftover homemade pasta in marinara sauce. Oh, and the last bit of baklava! Eh, it was trash day - somebody had to get it all. Happy happy chickens!

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