WHAT the HUCKLEBERRY does this POOP mean?!?!


Sep 6, 2020
New Jersey
This morning I've found a bunch of these poops in the large run.

I have seen these from time to time, in the fall, for a day or two then they would dissappear but there is probably 8 of them this morning. It has been raining here so it might have been happening for the past 3 days without me noticing.

Cannot pick out the hen/hens dropping these.

The chickens are all acting fine. Eating, happy, bright...

They are on the third day of a low dose of goat Safe-Guard due to roundworms (which I saw in their poo, they are getting 1.7 ml in mush for 62 chickens)
This is the first time they are getting Safe-guard. They were given Wyzine from previous caretaker and then nothing for nearly a year b4 I took over.
Any wisdom is appreciated! Thank you :)
Are you ising the dosage in post 1 of this thread for your chickens:


I would be very tempted to treat with Corid for possible coccidiosis. Is taking in a sample of this bloody poo to a vet for a fecal test to look for coccidia and worms possible? The low dose treatment above will not treat for capillary worms (threadworms.)

Taking a sample is not an option unfortunately, no avain vets around here.
I am curious whether a small animal vet can do a chicken fecal float.
I used to work for a small animal vet many years ago and can probably call in a favor...

Before I realized the chickens had worms, I was treating them for coccidiosis with the liquid 9.6% Corid, they got 5 days of the .024% outbreak dose and admittedly only 5 days of the lower .006% dose.

I stopped early (have done 21 days the first time months ago), really I don't know why...didn't want to mix the 2 medicines or thought that their poo issues were roundworm related?

They took their 5th and last low dose Corid 8 days ago.

Should I start them back on Corid?
And if so, should I start with the 5/14 days regimen again?

I wouldn't want them to build a resistance to it, from what I understand coccidiosis is pretty common here.

I am going to look into a fecal float from a regular vet.
I was trying not give the chickens a large dose as per chicken/property owner but will if necessary.
Okay, you are probably okay for treating with Corid already. Most small animal vets do fecal floats. If you cannfind the hen who is doing the bloody poops, you could treat her for capillary worms. The SafeGuard dosage for that is to give 1/4 ml per pound orally for 5 days in a row.

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