what time of day do your chickens lay eggs

Our hens start laying shortly after the barn light goes on in the morning, around 5:30 or so. At this time of year, all of the eggs are laid by 4:00pm, even though our barn coop is lighted until 7:30pm. Chickens normally lay on a cycle that begins early then gets slightly later each day, until they skip a day or two and begin again.
My three do the very same thing. Each day it gets a little later and usually on the fourth day they take a day of rest and then the next day it is once again bright and early that they lay.
Our girls have just been laying for a few weeks. I get the bulk of the eggs before 7 am (this morning there were 11). I expect shortly, when I go out, there will be another 5 or so, and then a few stragglers before dinner.
My chickens lay all day, from dawn to dusk (and sometimes beyond!), every day a little later than the day before. They keep something of an order, like a baseball line up, but it shifts later and later each day, until someone lays in the late afternoon and takes the next day off. But mine are only 7 months, and I have no idea how they'll do in their maturity.
I have 38 in the big coop and they lay all hrs of the day so I have to check out the next several times a day. The latest egg I think has been around 10pm.
Individually, they lay slightly later than the day before until they reach their personal cutoff time and then that egg is held until sunrise and the cycle repeats. So, as a group, it's all over the place and I get eggs anywhere from at first light until dusk but each chicken (aside from one oddball) has a predictable routine.
My girls apparently lay any time that they are not actually sleeping! I find an egg or two almost every time I go out to the coop... whether that is 6:30 am or 4:30 pm (when they go to bed). I try to get out there on a regular schedule, but working three days a week (gone all day) makes that hard.
I know hens only lay every 25 hours or so, but I wonder if mine are on a 26 - 28 hour cycle.
Thank you for sharing your chickens laying times. I can't wait till I get my first egg. I only have 5 chickens so even if they lay at different times it won't be a problem as I'll only be getting 5 eggs a day (hopefully).
My hens start at day light, and stop when it gets dark . I had a hen on the nest when I closed up the hen house this evening , and everyone else was on the roost

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