What to do about my most picked on hen?

Your run is pretty small for 8 and is also narrow. The bottom bird cannot get far enough away from the others to stop them from chasing her.

If you can increase your run space (width especially, but overall) as well as add clutter to give her hiding spots, she'd stand a better chance of not getting so beaten up. Clutter takes up space of course, which is why it's important to build bigger than minimum whenever possible.
Your run is pretty small for 8 and is also narrow. The bottom bird cannot get far enough away from the others to stop them from chasing her.

If you can increase your run space (width especially, but overall) as well as add clutter to give her hiding spots, she'd stand a better chance of not getting so beaten up. Clutter takes up space of course, which is why it's important to build bigger than minimum whenever possible.
Agree 100%

You could add a second level if you have some height to work with in your run. Basically just build a platform they can walk under or jump up on top of. Maybe in the corners of the run?
So 75sqft run. Enough for 7 birds.
I'd try isolating the bullies in the little coop & run. Possibly every time you isolate the docile EE and reintroduce her she's treated like a new outsider and will be picked on by everyone relentlessly. Reestablishing the pecking order and her being on the bottom.
Thanks- will see if I can figure out a way to get more space and pull the bullies out.

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