What to do with eggs?

Master Quaillius

Aug 26, 2017
I have way too many eggs in my refrigerator. I have 2 pet quail that lay every single day, sometimes the younger one lays twice and in just a week, we have 12 or 13 eggs. I have no idea what to do with them. Any thoughts?

Eat em? Or pshhh uh do you have any other pets? I know that eggs are full of protein and can be given to other pets.

Btw, I have the same problem I have a couple coturnix as pets and they lay so many eggs. I usually just eat.
1. Bake something with them. Its a holiday season after all - gingerbread, cake, cookies, etc - and share with your family/neighbors.
2. Pickle quail eggs (bunch of recipes on this forum)
3. Feed extra eggs to quails - boil them, mash and give them to quails. They love them! Excellent protein booster.
4. Make dog/cat treats - I mix quail eggs with 2-3 boiled sweet potatoes and dehydrate the mix in the dehydrator.
5. Sell extra eggs - nextdoor, craigslist, etc.
Hard boil them crush them up fine shell and all and feed it to your birds.They love egg.Make sure they can't identify the shell or they may start eating them before you can get them.
In N.H.,Tony.
I think they might be getting too much calcium at that point though, lol. I use oyster shell grit for their calcium needs and that's giving them a 3% calcium level. I also use game bird layer pellets now, so I might just make some brownies or something :>
Small jars of pickled eggs make nice gifts for friends and family. I sometimes buy a flat of bantam eggs from a neighbor because little eggs, pickled or just hard boiled, make great snacks for kids and are so cute. I steam them so they peel easily.

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