What to do with the baby chicks?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 25, 2011
Lynchburg, VA
OK so a little back story for everyone before I give my current delima. My husband just got out of the Army a few months ago and we moved back to his hometown. We are renting his sister's house she inherited recently from her dad. Our plan is to buy the house in about a year to two years instead of now because we both need to get settled into our new jobs and what not. Before we started down this chicken journey we talked to his sister (because it is still her house) about our want for chickens and how we would build a coop in the backyard (not a huge looking one, nor an eye sore). She said yes that is cool because we are going to buy the house and she wants us to be comfortable, yadda, yadda, yadda.

Fastforward to yesterday. My mother in law comes over yesterday morning ( a first for her) and tells me how my sister in law is mad because she found out we were doing chickens via facebook and she doesn't know why we didn't come to her and what not. I was ticked because we DID go to her and she said yes. Well I called my SIL to hear it from her because I know my MIL can be dramatic at times and yup sure enough she doesn't want us having chickens. She said she didn't think we were serious and to actually hear on facebook that we had chicken eggs freaked her out. She is worried about us having chickens and not being able to buy the house in a year and not being able to sale it because of the coop and what not. So in the end we agreed to get rid of the chickens when they are hatched. However, we have NO idea what to do with them. I talked to the lady I got the eggs from and she doesnt want them. So now what? I am so upset because we invested time and money into these eggs as well as emotions and now we have to get rid of them and I am not sure what to do with them.

So any suggestions?
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Oh this is a big mess. It wasn't ust the chicks she was complaining about either. She said we can do yard work and now she is freaking out because we pulled a tree that was hazardous to backing out of the drive, and the roots were cracking the driveway. She is freaking out because we painted (again we asked permission and even got approval for the color). I am just so done with this crap. This whole housing thing was done before we moved from Washington State to Virginia and if I knew this was going to happen I sure and the heck would not have moved.

Honestly at this point we are thinking about moving to a new house and not buying this one. I think her problem is she is just to emotionalt attached to this house because it was her dads house and he dies suddent about a year and a half ago. The logical side of her says she needs to sell the house an dnot cover 2 mortgages and her heart is saying NOOOO. She is coming for a visit in two weeks so we hope to have a sit down with her and discuss everything. One of the biggest things we talked about before we even moved in was her not running to her mother (my mother in law) about house issues and she come to us. Well guess that went out the window.

Sorry I seem so pissy, but honestly I am. I am so ready to pack up and move back home (WA). We moved here to have support from family and friends because I am pretty much estranged from my family and we get no real support out here just people judging us. Ugh!

Sorry for the mini vent,
I guess I will have to try CL. I have never done any animals on CL so I wasn't sure if it was allowed. Do you know what category I place them in? I am in Spotsylvania, VA. The chicks are sex links, if I remember correctly the lady told me black and buff sex links to be exact. I placed 41 eggs in the bator and so far only 3 are bad. Honestly, I didn't think we would have such a success rate like this, since it was my first time. We placed them in the bator in the afternoon of the 20th of March.

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Apparently, you were just supposed to pay her rent money. You weren't supposed to actually live there and, like, touch stuff.

Cl u can post them in the farm and garden section, or you can list them here in the buy sell trade section. I am sorry your sister in law is giving you guys sooo much trouble, I hope it all pans out in the end and she realizes how petty she is being.
Do the farm and garden section of Craigslist.

Sounds to me like you need to rent another house until she's ready to sell. I wouldn't want to deal with all the drama.

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