What to feed ducks?!


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jun 24, 2013
Lees summit Missouri
So I posted the other day... Does anyone have any suggestions as to what to feed A female and male duck about six months old? I think my female is eating too much and she's laying two eggs a day which is not good for her. Should I be feeding her something besides the layer pellets? Any suggestions would be appreciated
My thought is to keep her indoors for a few days and see if that slows her down. I am not inclined to think it is good to get her off of layer, since she needs the calcium for the eggs, and without it might have a calcium deficiency, which affects her bones and heart.

I doubt she is eating too much unless she is becoming obese. Two eggs a day must take quite a number of calories to support.

Do you have lighting in the coop? Some have written that keeping lights on increases egg production.
is she eating oyster shell or some other form of calcium supplement
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She doesn't really like the oyster shells. She's only been inside at night really with very little light this past week. (Only because the mAle was attacked last Saturday. He's fine but we're waiting for duck house to be completed). She is a small duck. Not an overeater. It's odd! She's happy. But like I said other day her eggs can't be eaten cuz they make us sick!
I have to keep the two ducks together they're inseparable. I can keep them inside but they really like to be outside. I just have to figure out her diet?!?
Ya we use cff which has crimped oats and barley a bit of cracked corn some roasted soybean and there is some other stuff in it
I don't know what it stands for and I just remembered it is for chickens and oats barely corn and soy beans with some other stuff and I get it at my feed store

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