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7 Years
Jan 16, 2017
Suburbs of Chicago
So our dog almost got one of the chickens that escaped the run. We have a chicken tractor and for some asinine reason my husband decided to move it with the dog outside. The Buff Orphington crawled out underneath the run. I didn’t see any blood, just some mud on her and some feathers on the ground. I held her for a bit and she was panting and shook up, but I don’t think she’s physically injured. Is there anything I can do?
Well, she died. I’m thinking maybe she had a heart attack? I thought she was going to make it. I held her for a bit to calm her down then put her in the coop. She had a drink. Poor Sunny. We’ll have a little funeral for her.
Well, she died. I’m thinking maybe she had a heart attack? I thought she was going to make it. I held her for a bit to calm her down then put her in the coop. She had a drink. Poor Sunny. We’ll have a little funeral for her.
So sorry to hear that :hugs I thought she would have been ok with no wounds and all? :idunno

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