What treets at what ages?

[email protected]

8 Years
Jan 4, 2012
Washougal, WA
What treats at what ages can i give my baby chicks? i started with scrambled egg (nothing added just pain egg) and i just stared giving them canded corn they are all a week old now. when can i give them blueberry's and grass/ greens? what other treats can I give them? I have them on medicated starter right now.
Mine LOVE crickets, strawberries, parsley and yogurt. When I say Love, I mean they go NUTS over it. Its a blast to watch them play keep away with the crickets, especially when they all have a cricket and still are running around in circles.
what age do u start them off on straw berry's? i want to give mine blueberries (got plenty in the freezer i can thaw out for them) and straw berry's. i have been giving mine some cooked corn (not sure if that's OK or not) and they go crazy over that. mine are a little over a week old.

Mine LOVE crickets, strawberries, parsley and yogurt. When I say Love, I mean they go NUTS over it. Its a blast to watch them play keep away with the crickets, especially when they all have a cricket and still are running around in circles.
Make sure you are giving them chick grit with these treats - they need to be able to digest them. You can give them pretty much anything at any age, but make sure that they are eating primarily the chick feed so they get the correct balance of nutrients.

I'm not sure if you mean candy corn like you get at halloween, but I would never feed my birds candy. There are enough inexpensive treats that are good for them. Mine love rolled oats.
i have been wanting to give my babies treats, but i thought they were too young. starting tomorrow, i'm going to start. i'll be careful not to over do. i have chick grit, so i'll scatter some of that on the floor.
I meant like corn from the garden type corn. i haven't been giving them chick grit because the person at the store said not to give it to them till you let them out side. is 2 weeks too early to start them off on chick grit?

Make sure you are giving them chick grit with these treats - they need to be able to digest them. You can give them pretty much anything at any age, but make sure that they are eating primarily the chick feed so they get the correct balance of nutrients.

I'm not sure if you mean candy corn like you get at halloween, but I would never feed my birds candy. There are enough inexpensive treats that are good for them. Mine love rolled oats.

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