What type of chick is my striped one

chef Vayda

In the Brooder
Mar 22, 2017
Welcome to BYC - so glad you've joined us!
To get a good ID on your chick you need to turn off the heat lamp (it won't hurt them for the time it takes to get photos) or take the chick out of the brooder and into more natural lighting to take photos. The best photos for breed ID show the whole bird including leg color and a nice shot of the comb bud.
Looks like an Ameraucana to me. Sometimes referred to as an Easter Egger. Lays Blueish Green Eggs and lots of them. Fastest chicken on your farm guaranteed and most are crazy. Haha
Looks like an Ameraucana to me. Sometimes referred to as an Easter Egger. Lays Blueish Green Eggs and lots of them. Fastest chicken on your farm guaranteed and most are crazy. Haha

The chipmunk pattern of this chick is common to many breeds - as the cheeks, comb and legs are not visible in this photo there is no way to differentiate between the many breeds this bird might be.

So looks like the beginnings of a single comb and yellow legs is that correct? There are a couple of breeds that fit what is showing at this point, as the bird matures in the next few weeks it will become more apparent which it is....but those combined with a clean face make easter egger among the least likely.
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