What "type" of Peafowl Is This?


9 Years
Oct 30, 2014
Hello! So, I found this fellow in my chicken pen yesterday evening when I got home from work. He stayed the night & is still in the backyard now & I figured I should take care of him. Unfortunately for him, I know nothing about peafowl. I barely know anything about chickens since my rooster just showed up out of nowhere last October.

While I was looking through the posts here on what to feed him, I noticed that there are many different colour variations for peafowl & I was hoping someone might be able to tell me what kind he is. I apologise for the not great photos. He's kinda flighty & didn't want me to get too close. Thanks for looking!






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He probably will not stay, they can jump very high! I have to cover my pen to keep them in, it's 6ft tall. Not to mention he can fly. I hope he stays with you, they are beautiful and comical to watch!
Hello! So, I found this fellow in my chicken pen yesterday evening when I got home from work. He stayed the night & is still in the backyard now & I figured I should take care of him. Unfortunately for him, I know nothing about peafowl. I barely know anything about chickens since my rooster just showed up out of nowhere last October.

While I was looking through the posts here on what to feed him, I noticed that there are many different colour variations for peafowl & I was hoping someone might be able to tell me what kind he is. I apologise for the not great photos. He's kinda flighty & didn't want me to get too close. Thanks for looking!

Looks like my black shoulder India blue! About the same age too! Right at 2 yrs, although I am not an expert, this is my opinion

Both of your birds are India blue males, neither is a Black Shoulder. Black Shoulder males have solid colored feathers on their shoulders India Blues have striped feathers on their shoulders.

This is a Black Shoulder male.

Nice! So I have been calling him a bs when he is just ib?? You have such a beautiful peacock! I only hope mine gets to be as beautiful and colorful :) thanks for the info! I was told by someone else he was a bs kind of a bummer :/
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Thank you very much!

I figured I'd try to take care of him as long as he wanted to stick around. I have a feeling he's been traveling around our area all summer. :)
Nice! So I have been calling him a bs when he is just ib?? You have such a beautiful peacock! I only hope mine gets to be as beautiful and colorful
thanks for the info! I was told by someone else he was a bs kind of a bummer

If I remember right, you have a peahen that is a BS? Maybe that's where the confusion came in!

@uzisuzuki : Have you tried to find out if anyone is looking for that peaboy? People get very attached to their peafowl and someone might really be missing him.
Yes I do, you are right :D I am confused! Haha..I am so happy to know there are people who know what they are talking about! I am still at the learning stages of peafowl. I want to know more ;)
If I remember right, you have a peahen that is a BS? Maybe that's where the confusion came in!

: Have you tried to find out if anyone is looking for that peaboy? People get very attached to their peafowl and someone might really be missing him. :(

I found out he had been living in our neighbor's backyard for a month, month & a half? Apparently, no one claimed him. I'm not sure why he decided to come over to our property, but I think it might have been to get fed. He's eating like he hasn't eaten in a year. We get a lot of random animals, mostly dogs, dumped in our area. I haven't seen any signs in our feed stores for a missing bird & I haven't heard any other peafowl calling lately. I posted in my local board here asking if anyone is missing a bird.

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