What type of respiratory infection and how to treat?

Can you check her crop tonight when she goes to roost, then first thing in the morning before she's had anything to eat/drink?
Checking while roosting if often much easier than chasing a hen around the yard.
Last night we checked her while roosting and she had a panic attack so we let her go before she gave herself a heart attack.

Do respiratory infections heal on their own?
Can you check her crop tonight when she goes to roost, then first thing in the morning before she's had anything to eat/drink?
Checking while roosting if often much easier than chasing a hen around the yard.
Also not sure if this helps but when she breathes it sounds like when we gargle salt water in our throats for sore throats.
If you could check her crop in early morning when it is supposed to be empty, that may tell you if she is regurgitating food and liquid up into the airway. The crop will feel full in the evening before roosting. I like to use a head lamp with the red light on so it doesn’t frighten them before I pick them up.
Crop seems okay. Got home and she still has the rales, the loudness of them is on and off. She occasionally stretches her neck upward, to maybe get more air? I also heard her sneeze a few times but she hasn’t done it since I originally heard her. With the sneezing I’m almost positive it’s respiratory now. Thankfully she is still eating and drinking as of now.

Also not sure if this helps but when she breathes it sounds like when we gargle salt water in our throats for sore throats.
I would try again to check the crop first thing in the morning to see if it's emptied.

If the crop is not emptying an full of fluid/liquid/food, sometimes this can cause rattles or gurgling.

Does she lay eggs? (I may have missed that) Any feeling of fluid or bloat in the abdomen below the vent between her legs?
My hen
Have you added any new birds recently? How does her crop feel—empty and flat, full and puffy soft, firm, or doughy? Can you check it again first thing tomorrow before she eats or drinks? Rales or crackles can be from mucus in the airways from a respiratory infection, but also if crop contents come back up, they can sound rattly in the back of the throat. Have you seen any bubbles in her eyes, drainage from her nostrils, or sneezing?
has bubbles in her eyes, rales, sneezing and a swollen spot in front of her eyes ( have already tried duragard 5 days, terramycn, VetRX, poultry cell ) I currently bought amoxicillin 500 mg and also have doxycycline 20MG - just stopped the surged one day ago but she still has all the same symptoms she had before giving
My hen

has bubbles in her eyes, rales, sneezing and a swollen spot in front of her eyes ( have already tried duragard 5 days, terramycn, VetRX, poultry cell ) I currently bought amoxicillin 500 mg and also have doxycycline 20MG - just stopped the surged one day ago but she still has all the same symptoms she had before giving
The bubbly eyes points to MG or IC. Since you have already tried doxy, I would try to treat for IC with Tylosin or Baytril.

The bubbly eyes points to MG or IC. Since you have already tried doxy, I would try to treat for IC with Tylosin or Baytril.

I have tried Denagard sorry not duragard ( put wrong name in there) , haven’t tried doxycycline as of yet and it is in 20MG pill form how do I give that to her ( just put pill in her mouth?) and can I start it when I just stopped the Denagard two days ago?
I have tried Denagard sorry not duragard ( put wrong name in there) , haven’t tried doxycycline as of yet and it is in 20MG pill form how do I give that to her ( just put pill in her mouth?) and can I start it when I just stopped the Denagard two days ago?
20-30mgs is about right. If you know how to put a pill properly into her mouth, then you can do it that way. If not, you can crush, add water and do it by syringe.

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