What was the temp today were you are, it was a lovely 70 here


Red Roof Hens
10 Years
Feb 2, 2009
Hamilton Ga
I was just watch the news and know that some people have a lot of show. But for me it was 70 today and going to me 74 tomorrow. I love living in Ga. What was your weather like today.
I was warm here too today. I wore shorts! My chickens laid in the sun. I love Florida! It is cold here too sometimes but if you wait a tad it will be warm again! I almost died last winter though...it was so cold. I hate cold. I will just enjoy all the snow from a distance!
It was really 6 degrees were you are today. I have never been in weather below the 20. It got 18 at night one time but I was nice and warm in my house.
The south is nice during the late fall and winter. Sucks the rest of the year though.

It's 17 right now. Sun is just going down. It was in the mid 50's yesterday.

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