What would you serve with a pastie (pasty to some) dinner?


13 Years
May 21, 2008
It is tradition to serve pasties for Christmas eve dinner at our house, this year we are spending it with relatives and she just sent me her menu plan for the next day and she is making the spinach salad I told her I was bringing so what do you suggest I serve with the pasties. Thanks for all the suggestions!
In case you are not familiar with them this is close to how I make them except I use ground sirloin. http://www.food.com/recipe/upper-michigan-pasties-119068
Wild guess here, since I've never eaten a pastie, but I assume the spinach salad will be a leafy salad with some sort of dressing. How about a marinated vegetable salad of some kind, which you could make ahead and possibly use some kind of a creamy mayonnaise type dressing, just to contrast with the spinach salad? Or a potato kugel, which is baked and cut in wedges, has shredded potatoes and onion in it.
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I think classic British would be mashed potatoes and peas!
My Grandma always served baked beans and I suppose I could make them meatless for the vegetarians but I was trying to come up with something else.
Mashed potatoes are being served on her menu also.
I was thinking about a plain veggie but the pasties have veggies in them already.
Nothing with cheese if preferable due to food allergies.

Thanks to all so far, you are giving me ideas, please keep them coming!
I make pasties alot. I serve them with garlic toast, brown gravy and a nice fruit salad..usually Waldorf. I like the contrast between the savory pasty with gravy and the tang and crunch of the Waldorf salad.
A Cornish pastie is a meal in a pocket though. But yes, mashed potatoes and peas with everything else!
I asked my friend who grew up on them. She makes the meal in a pocket type. They love gravy with theirs also. How about a mandarin and spinach salad and a fruit cobbler for dessert?
Well that was the plan I make a fantastic strawberry/spinach salad which pairs well with the heavy meal because it is so light and refreshing but my MIL recipe is similar and I don't think it would go over too well if I make a similar salad (in her eyes) I will have a brown gravy for them also. My biggest problem is everything I would like to make with them doesn't work for the vegetarians (and also some food allergies) in the group. Sorry to be so complicated but I have had my menu planned for the last few months and now I need to change it and I am lost!

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