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Thanks for the birthday wishes. I had a friend stop for a visit then 6 former students (all seniors this year) brought me a cake and are doing chores for me so I can catch the end of the HS football game. Tomorrow my wife is taking me to the Mississippi River Museum and Aquarium and out for lunch.

How awesome is that! How awesome!
Thanks for the birthday wishes. I had a friend stop for a visit then 6 former students (all seniors this year) brought me a cake and are doing chores for me so I can catch the end of the HS football game. Tomorrow my wife is taking me to the Mississippi River Museum and Aquarium and out for lunch.

And they won. It was the second win of the year and only about the fourth or fifth win in the last 6 years.
My BR tom took off into the woods today. My grandson was running thru the thorn bushes and thru all the vines and finally got him trapped in a very thick vines. Once he got him trapped I went in and found him and we got him. My grandson did all the hard work. He did a good job. We have our tom back in his pen and he AINT gettin back out. I let them out to roam and he roamed too far. The other turkeys went back to their pens but Tom had to check out the woods. He's less a handful of tail feathers now but he's fine. He sure was heavy carrying back up the steep hill behind our property. Oh, I didn't mention it was raining too.

I have a FULL SIZED visual of that!
My BR tom took off into the woods today. My grandson was running thru the thorn bushes and thru all the vines and finally got him trapped in a very thick vines. Once he got him trapped I went in and found him and we got him. My grandson did all the hard work. He did a good job. We have our tom back in his pen and he AINT gettin back out. I let them out to roam and he roamed too far. The other turkeys went back to their pens but Tom had to check out the woods. He's less a handful of tail feathers now but he's fine. He sure was heavy carrying back up the steep hill behind our property. Oh, I didn't mention it was raining too.
How miserable those toms can be, and it is always going to be when it's raining or something! They do all have their own personalities, tho. He better watch his P's & Q's this close to Thanksgiving !
How miserable those toms can be, and it is always going to be when it's raining or something! They do all have their own personalities, tho. He better watch his P's & Q's this close to Thanksgiving !
I bought some poults during the summer and we ended up with 2 boys and 2 girls. The girls went in the adults pen yesterday and we processed one of the toms only to find out we needed to wait a bit longer. The other one is coming for dinner on Thanksgiving. I have a platter for his special seat at the table. He's already very large but not as big as that Tom I carried up the hill today. 'm surprised as large as they are that he wasn't aggressive. Once he knew I had him he just let me carry him, well after he tried to beat me with his wings but I was ready for that. Yeah, I bet it was a sight to see. I"m glad nobody was watching. We had some quail we had to gather up in the woods a couple years ago. A coon had let them out during the night and only got 1 and the other 3 got away. DH and I where chasing them thru the same thorns and thickets and by the time we caught them all I was covered with chiggers. We counted 153 chigger spots.
My Hubby really wants to hatch some Buff Orpingtons, if anyone has any extra eggs. I have Blue EE and maybe a few Green EE, from hens that haven't gone into molt yet.

Anybody out there want to trade?
I just wanted to thank Celie she sent me a box of 40 EE hatching eggs for the cost of shipping only!! She did a wonderful job packing!! Beautiful eggs!!
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