whats going on and how can I treat it?

Yes, I would keep them off wire. Those feet look sore. Make sure the surface is not slippery.
Did it help thou? Take the time and read it through. Only you can really diagnose your quails problems and know what you have to do to fix it. Like above poster said take off wire for a while and clean up there feet to see what it looks like so you can get an idea if they are just inflamed or have abscesses, etc.
Awesome. Let us know how and when they get better and what you did overall to help them. I'm sure other could use the info.
As of right now, I have them off wire, am putting vaseline on them daily, and keeping their cage cleaned. They seem to be getting a tiny bit better already but not enough of a sign to really say
As of right now, I have them off wire, am putting vaseline on them daily, and keeping their cage cleaned. They seem to be getting a tiny bit better already but not enough of a sign to really say
As I mentioned in my first post, this is going to take a while to heal. You will need to keep this up for several weeks to a month to see the greatest improvement. Since they are on their feet 24/7, they don't heal all that fast. Keep up this program and over time you should be able to get them healed.

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