What's in a Username??

Mine is simple and just what it says. I hatch things just to hatch them and give lots of them away. I have hatched several hundred birds this spring. Seven white silkies left in the 'bator and then it will be shut down till the fall. Just like the name says, I just like hatching.
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I'm not very good at coming up with names that have a story behind them. Tuna of the land just stands for chicken. Backwards from tuna being the chicken of the sea. I guess it's kind of funny cause I've never had either chicken or tuna, being a vegetarian.
mine-- mommy9994 has been my e-mail address since, well, '99 LOL it's also my username everywhere else I go. I'm a mommy... my first 2 children were born in 94 and 99. I've had friends tell me I need to add the other years, but that would just be too much LOL.. mommy99940307-- don't think so
FisherMOM is my screenname on many fishing forums.
I am addicted ti fishing... well was, these chickens have taken front seat lately.

The username came from a radio interview that I did years ago.
The man interviewing me called me a FisherMOM and it stuck.

I have 2 girls that I take fishing on occasion. (one now.. one moved out this spring)
All I could think about is how much poop my chickens can make! I use hay in the coop! Hence...chick fill hay! It also reminds me of that restaurant chickfilay!
Hotwings-cause it is a play on words ie like someone being called drumstick. I was lucky I joined early cause I bet a lot of people thought of hotwings. Actually I took the name of my bff Freebie's barn cat. She has 2 barn cats hotwings and freebie (you see she had the other cats name). Funny thing is hotwings is not a very good barn cat, in the fact I don't think she has ever caught a mouse in her life and plus she is not as friendly as freebie the other barn cat.
Mine is just my first name: Kinni and my last initial: P, pretty boring, sigh. Hey lightbread48, me and my BF are in construction too, though I've been spending more time tending the homestead (read: dozens of animals) lately. We have a commercial glazing business, what do you do?

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