What's killing my quail?

Hens Solo

Nov 6, 2019
LaFayette Georgia
I have lost 2 quail in each of the previous mornings. There is blood around the inside of the pen with quail parts strewn everywhere. The legs are on the ground beneath the pen. Since then I have reinforced the sides and set rat traps around the bottom (incidentally all rat traps are now gone). I've set up a trail camera and notice only the bottom pens are being attacked. What can reach through 1" wire and pull a cortunix apart?
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Raccoons, maybe? From what I've heard, they like to reach in through the fencing, grab a bird, and try to pull it back out. I don't know for sure, though.
Good luck with this!
Raccoons, easily. Not even 1/2 inch hardware cloth is foolproof when birds have nowhere to hide—add a "false" hc bottom to your cages or get your birds on solid ground. Traps may be in order.
Incidentally this morning I checked my trail cam and there was a 20 lb raccoon hanging off the cage. I am a former trapper from Montana and there will be a price to pay for these marauders. I have several rifles and a spotlight ready as well as victor coil springs. This is war and I will not rest until I have a new coonskin hat!
Yep, definitely raccoons. They killed 9 of my quail in 2 nights, quail pieces everywhere. I set a havahart trap with quail pieces and never caught one, but they can't resist honeybuns. I killed 3 coons by the end of the week. Weird thing is it took almost 2 years before they killed any of my quail. Those dogproof coon foot traps are supposed to be the ticket. I'm setting up an electric fence wire around all the legs of my cages now....
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