What's stealing my eggs?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 15, 2010
I have never had this happen before.

I have about 15 hens, all laying regularly. Today and yesterday I only got two eggs. I thought they were hiding them somewhere and I hadn't found their new nest but today I came to check and the 14 eggs one of my hens had been sitting on all week were gone too.

So it's happening in the middle of the day, while I'm at work. No chickens were harmed.

I'll be home all day tomorrow paying attention....small possibility it's a neighbor dog but are there other things that come to mind?
if i have rats that can steal 20 eggs in one day, i have big problems.

doubtful it's a snake, we don't have any big ones round here.
if i have rats that can steal 20 eggs in one day, i have big problems.

doubtful it's a snake, we don't have any big ones round here.
No kidding!!

Where are you located?
What is your coop/run set up like?

A game cam would be an excellent tool to have in this situation.
The hens free range all day on about four acres. They lay in different places but mostly in their coop which is a secure shed. They get locked up at night and let out in the morning. The egg were being stolen the daytime.

BUT I’ve solved the mystery. Someone witnessed the thievery. It was ravens. I was leaving the main door to the coop open and the ravens were walking right in and stealing the eggs in their beaks. I’ve since been closing the door and just leaving the small chicken sized opening open during the day and it’s mostly solved the problem!

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