Whats the best chickens for eggs?

That is the first time that I've ever heard an Ameracauna described as "docile"...or their temperament as being compared to that of an Orpington.... :cool:

Really? That's so odd. Maybe I read wrong ,i dont know. Just looked up the reviews on here and it seems some people do say they peck the other hens but then others don't have issues with it and I don't (though mine are EEs not the actual breed) so maybe it depends. But either way I have heard a lot that they're supposed to be gentle and docile with people. Maybe thats mostly what i heard. I don't know. But @Sylvester017 I think it is bas one and her's is really docile and non combative with the others so it must depend. Maybe it depends on the parents? I bet hatchery ones probably tend to be more aggressive being bred mostly for eggs, same with all the hatchery breeds. Breeders probably don't tolerate aggression. Though of course it probably depends.
I have 15 Red Sex Links... I regularly get 14 eggs a day. They do pick on the little pullets and ducks, but they lay really well.
Didn't intend to ruffle your feathers.

I'm not talking at all about an Ameracauna interacting with people. I wouldn't keep "that kind" of an aggressive bird.

Have you ever kept Ameraucanas in a mixed flock?

Sorry if it came across wrong, you didn't "ruffle my feathers" and I'm not mad or upset or anything. Haha sorry if it seemed like it. Just curious because I'd never heard that before but maybe it's more common than I was thinking.

Yeah, I knew/figured you were probably talking about aggression towards other flock mates but figured I'd mention it anyway just in case since it seems a couple people have experienced that too which to me is worse.

And well I've never had the actual "Ameraucana" breed but I do have Easter Eggers right now, which often times are sold as Ameraucana or Araucana, and yeah they're in a mixed flock. 1 Barred Rock, 2 Black Australorps, 3 Buff Orpingtons, and 2 Easter Eggers. They're never aggressive. Although they used to occasionally bump chests with the Orpingtons but I had more issues with one of my Australorps being a bully to the Orps and jumping and chasing for no reason. But since they all started laying 2 months ago everybody has calmed down and gets along fine now. The EEs are also the flightiest and skittish so tend to just run away but they do seem friendly and want to be friends with me but are unsure. They tend to hang with the other EE or with the Orpingtons. One tends to hang with the Barred Rock and the other with the Orpingtons but the EE is a similar color to the Orps. That's when free ranging which I don't do that often but have been trying to every evening. Anyways, I don't have any problems with mine being aggressive and in fact they sometimes get picked on by the others especially the red one, the more flighty of the two.
I have had my Sex Links for a few weeks... and I haven't had any issues, BUT... they lay HUGE eggs! we get at least 1 double yolker a day from our 15 hens. so, i wouldn't be surprised if that happened sometime.

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