Whats the best chickens for eggs?

Five eggs a day chickens...you go girl. :drool

I'll get working on the breeding program.. starting with finding a hen that lays 2 eggs a day, I've heard of them. Anyone got one to loan me?
I'll get working on the breeding program.. starting with finding a hen that lays 2 eggs a day, I've heard of them. Anyone got one to loan me?

Lol, My nephews wife has 4 hens and tells me she gets 8-12 eggs a day!! I laugh everytime she says it, she gets very upset with me. I gave her the hens, as week old chicks after I hatched them from my own hens, so I just tell her I know better.
Lol, My nephews wife has 4 hens and tells me she gets 8-12 eggs a day!! I laugh everytime she says it, she gets very upset with me. I gave her the hens, as week old chicks after I hatched them from my own hens, so I just tell her I know better.

Oh wow, that would be a lot of eggs if true! LOL you've got some serious producing hens over there :p
Oh wow, that would be a lot of eggs if true! LOL you've got some serious producing hens over there

lol Yeah, well my hens that hers came from still only give me an egg a day when they are doing good. Mine of course are like everyone elses around here and take a day off occasionally and I am happy with that.
lol Yeah, well my hens that hers came from  still only give me an egg a day when they are doing good. Mine of course are like everyone elses around here and take a day off occasionally and I am happy with that.

Mine are the same though they rarely take breaks
My birds were very friendly towards me, though a bit stand-off-ish. They were most comfortable when they stayed at arms length.

As far as mixing with other birds and integrating flocks, my experience with Ameracaunas has been the exact opposite of what some have posted.

It would appear that the breed might be inconsistent in its behavior.

From the 3 yrs I had my Blue Wheaten Ameraucana and talking to BYC and my friend who has EEs they seem to be middle or bottom of flock politics although there has been an occasional aggressive hen but it's been rare from my contacts. Our BW Ameraucana was jittery, jumpy, kooky, spooky, wary, alert, always on guard, and frightened of her own shadow or floating balloons, but she was a sweetie to pet, hold, and talkative with us. She was so cautious we called her our sentinel because she was alert and on-guard 24/7 -- if the coop was opened at night the other breeds would continue sleeping but she would instantly talk, stand up, and watch what was going on until the coop was closed again. She went out of her way to avoid flock conflicts and submitted to the Silkies when they chest bumped her -- she preferred to flee rather than fight back. I couldn't have asked for a sweeter bird but when she got ill she became uncharacteristically combative to keep others away and at her end days we had to put the little dear down -- 3 yrs is too short a time to have such a sweet bird. My breeder friend knows an Ameraucana breeder that seems to complain about dealing with shorter or delicate Ameraucana lifespans whereas the EEs appear to have better health/longevity.

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