What's the BEST Nest Box Material?

Now if you are lazy and your goal is to get in and out of the hen house as quick as possible.
Plus if your chickens already are laying in your soon to be soiled nest boxes and if you get your feed bags in 50lb nylon mesh bags.
This is the method for you.

Nest boxes
In my nest boxes I fold a feed bag to fit (nest boxes are 1 ft³ and the bag runs up the sides and the back a few inches). When a bag gets soiled; fold a new one; pop out the soiled; pop in the new.

Feed bags are a nylon mesh bag.
Frozen poop just peels off in below freezing temperatures and just flakes off in summer when left out in the sun to bake and dry.

I have 65 trips around the sun it is the best method I have stumbled upon.

Make sure the twine is removed from the open end of the bag it can get tangled around your birds.

Nope not lazy, but I'm defiantly pressed for time in the morning when I first check on the birds! It's an awesome looking method, not sure its right for me though! I have paper feed bags :)
I like pine shavings. I cut rosemary and put it in the coop. It is supposed to repel mites. I don't know if that's totally true, but I don't have mite problems.
If you love rosemary..,.I know someone who crushes rosemary in her hands and rubs the hens' legs to prevent mites. I adapted that into "rosemary hug." I crush rosemary in my hands and then pick each hen up and hug her and rub under her wings a bit. They are very patient with me....


Aww, what kind of girls do you have?
Total newbie here- I saw shredded paper listed as an option somewhere... Would that work? Maybe mixed 50/50 with pine shavings? I'm a teacher and would have access to lots of that for free.

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