What's the deal??

May I suggest some Tylan? Broad spectrum antibiotic, pop the dosage in some water and syringe gently on tip of the tongue. I'm in the UK where it's prescription only but I believe that it's available "over the counter" in other countries. It's my "go to" for most minor chicken problems until I can get them to a vet. Good thing is that he's eating, always helps when they have a will to live. Best of luck and fingers crossed for you.
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My chickens are free range all day, then get put up at night, they have access to water 24/7, and there are water pans all over, so that's not a problem. He was always with his 3 other buddies, I got them as chicks, so they were raised all together, and have stuck together all this time, they are inseparable as a matter of fact. I was giving him the molasses for the anemia, it has a lot of iron in it, and also lots of electrolytes...I may go to TSC and see if I can get him something for the anemia then...I've brought him inside, but I havent put the sulmet in his inside water, do you think I should give him some more?
Yes I think we can get that here OTC, no problem. Yes, it's always a good thing when they're still eating (although not so much this morning :-( ) I worked for a horse vet for a lot of years, and his motto was always if they'll try, I'll try :) he hated with a passion to put one down...as long as little Ziggy keeps trying I'll do what I can for him.

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