What's the DEAL!!!!!!


12 Years
May 26, 2007
I've had 25 chicken (from 10 to 12 weeks old) starring at 35 other chickens (from 20 weeks to 1 years old) (all mixed breeds).... so I decided its time to let them all get aquanted....
It did not go well!!!! They have been seperated for over a month........ OMG I thought if they live near each other and see each other getting them together goes better?????

What did I do wrong???????? This is stressing me out!
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I'd just put them all together and then just watch to make sure it doesn't turn bloody.

I've found that if there are a pretty good sized group that you are adding in it goes better - they can spread around the aggression so that one chicken doesn't bear the majority of it.

Also if they can see each other through wire for a few days first that can help too.

I have a growout pen in the corner of the big run so that the little ones growing up can see and interact safely with the big chickens. Then when they are about the same size (at least 12-14 weeks) I shoo them out of the grow out pen and in with the older chickens. So far that's worked really well for me.

Good luck!!
I strongly suggest providing obstacles that the pursued can run around, fly onto, hide in the shade of, etc. Feed sacks, perches, stools, etc. are good. Be sure there are no areas where one could get cornered without a ready escape--I've had one get killed when I didn't ensure that.
Sounds like you have to many to do this....but I usually put a cage (like a wire dog crate) in the run with the new birds in it. I do that for a week or so before supervised interaction together.

I have also had one come close to being killed when I didnt supervise and take enough time to introduce.
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They ARE in a run butted up against the other run so the only thing that seperates them is chicken wire. They have been like this their whole little lives. so because they are acting so rash towards one another... does it mean they can't maybe live together??

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