What's the most annoying internet / texting abbreviation or word?

"Get you the hot bullets of shotgun to die!" (If you don't know what AYBABTU stands for, you won't get this...).

I thought we were close in age... Mr. Saddi gets some great looks when his friends realize his wife knows her way around a rail gun. It's also lead to several offers in case I ever need a 4th husband...
I knew what you meant, but didn't know where the "<" was on the keyboard, even after hunting a minute. Just found it, obviously.

Randomly verbing nouns would be a suitable response, although you might start another anti-English, anti-grammar trend!

Just imagine how much more accurately our language would be used if people put even half the effort into basics like there vs. their vs. they're, that they put into learning texting language.

I like the chicken beak with wattles....
I don't know if any of them truly annoy me to the point of pulling my hair out. They just cause a dull ache in my head. I guess I don't really care for people talking text. Texting text is one thing, speaking it is a travesty.

That said though, I think it clearly shows we are the older generation and them young punks are messing with the proper balance of the world.
So do they still teach proper English in school?!? The language will be dead! Oh well, maybe the entire world will be just one abbreviated text message.
This is a bit of a hijack....sorry OP

I worry as much about the fact that children particularly todays teens, and no offense to any of you here on BYC, arent able to communicate well verbally because all they ever do is text. My son is 15 and he spends hours texting his girlfriend but NEVER calls her and both of them have plans that would allow them to talk without fees.

I meet many teens and young adults today who do not have adequate social skills because they dont use them. They text and email, they dont verbally communicate.

Anyone else on this?

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