Whats the most beautiful chicken breed that is nice nomatter what sex?

My all time favorite breed. Beautiful, friendly, great egglayers, great mothers, what more could you want?
I love the Buff Orpingtons! And those Swedish Flower hens are pretty too. I think personality is more important than looks though and again, my BOs have winning personalities. But so does my half-crazed blue wyandotte but in a totally different way. She's the class clown with ADD. I lover her madly.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I would suggest looking up breeds. Feathersite is a good site for that. When you find the breed you may want, look them up, and get them. Niceness varies by individual, some breeds are more prone to being flightly than others.. Like some people will tell you leghorns are not good pets, and are crazy- but I have a buddy who uses them for layers and he says he's never had a problem with his. Some of the ones I myself experienced too, were quite calm.

What you may think is beautiful, may not be what I or the others have listed think is beautiful. I like the games, and think Silkies, tophats, and other heritage breeds are some of the ugliest birds around, they just aren't my type of fowl. Just like I know many people believe my Shamo is ugly (and that is fine), but I love the vast color ranges you can get in Orientals that aren't in other fowl, I love the muscle build of them, and the personalities and it also has that "What is that?!" factor with them too.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder; however, I am extra fond of the Polish breed with the crested head feathers. You still have to choose a favorite color within the breed. Some other beauties are Barred Plymouth Rock and Copper Black Cuckoo Maran. The hens of these look almost identical. The rooster of the latter is striking. If you are into exotic breeds with exceptionally beautiful tail feathers, the Oriental Phoenix is also beautiful. I know someone who loves the Silkies. You have to decide whether you want eggs and take into consideration the care of the chicken if you are choosing one for your back yard. Some require extra care and may not be hardy to certain climates. With the massive amount of information online, you should be able to find just what you are looking for. Just remember that many pictures do not indicate whether it is a hen or a rooster. You might see what you like and it is a rooster.

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