What's the temperature where you are???

78 at 1:10 PM. High of 88 predicted today with hail, wind, and storms later. Right now, our house is in the path of totality for the eclipse thing. -not a big deal to me, but I wonder what the chickens will do. :pop
Probably think it's nighttime and head over to the coop is my guess.
1:00 PM
12% humidity


Monday 8th April 11.16a.m. Cloudy, sunny gaps. 7.4 / 11.1kph ESE, Hg 52%, 20.5C / 68.9F heading 23C / 73F. Partly cloudy. Sheep graziers alert + Marine wind warning.

Moon is 0.8%

An Alice Springs family returning from an east coast holiday has been surprised to see fish swimming across a flooded highway in a remote region of the Northern Territory.

Oliver Eclipse said their trip home just before Easter had been delayed due to road closures along the NT side of the Barkly Highway, roughly 1,000 kilometres north-east of Alice Springs.

"The [highway] was closed [at the Queensland border] between certain times and you could only go back between 2-6pm," he said.

"The first 300km we were thinking, 'Why is this road closed?'."

Heavy rainfall from ex-Tropical Cyclone Megan had forced the closures.

Mr Eclipse said the conditions changed dramatically the closer they drove towards the Stuart Highway, where water was at times very deep.

"The last 100km took nearly two hours," he said.

It was around that point he and his family spotted something in the distance moving across the highway.

He thought that maybe the moving objects could be frogs awakened by the desert rain.

"We just saw lots of little black things crossing the road work ahead of us," he said.

"We didn't know what they were."

The family found a safe place to stop, then realised that they were in fact looking at fish swimming upstream in the middle of Australia's outback.

We get alligators crossing the roads or hanging out in parks or parking lots or peoples backyards in areas where there are creeks that go into mobile bay or around our rivers

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