What's the weight of your first egg?


Dances with Chickens
10 Years
Oct 12, 2009
Petaluma, Ca
So we have been weighing all of our little pullet eggs and recording the weights on a Notepad page while working on filling up our first egg carton. Eventually I will make a graph and/or spreadsheet with all the info but I have noticed something. We have 3 out of 8 that have given us eggs so far and no matter the shape or size of the egg, they are all 41 grams. Is this just coincidence? The three breeds are BO, EE, and the newest layer is the SLW and they are all starting to lay around the same time. I'm interested to know if any of yall weigh them as well and how much they weighed.
My first egg weighed 3 ounces, I'm not sure what that is in grams but it was pretty heavy and also a double yolker! The hen that laid it waited til she was 8 months old until she decided it was time to pay me back for all the care I had given her!!!!
Whoa yea that sounds huge! We finally have our first full dozen and one of our BR's decided to lay for her first time this morning to give us the 12th. Her egg was 37 grams so that blew my theory which I'm sure was flawed to begin with. We get to finally start eating our eggs tomorrow! I doubt any of these ones will be doubles though. Some of those would be great though. Sunny side up is one of my favs.

It's real cloudy today so the color seems a bit lacking but they look great in person! The first five up top are from my Buff Orpington- Mildred. The sixth up there is my newest layers' the bigger of the two Barred Rocks- Queen Victoria, little tiny 37 gram egg. Bottom four blue/green eggs are from our EE'er- Tostito(long story). The two darker ones on the end are from our SLW- Silvia.


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