Whats the weirdest thing your chickens have eaten or tried to eat??

When we were building our new house, I had a little hand-raised rooster chick, and when I took him for walks, he would eat the sealant foam that the construction crew had scraped off the house. And just yesterday, I let my hen out in the back of the poultry shed at a show before I went home, and instead of eating all the good grass and bugs, she ate the plastic/metal? pieces of building material. So far, she is fine.
chooks also love toes with brightred polish. So I found out. My poor toe was tender for 2days shepecked it that hard.
My 12weeks old buff orpington roo loves to sit on my shoulder and peck my ears... He also took my eyelid in his beak and kinda dragged it out. Luckily he let go when he realised it wouldnt come off
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My funniest one, i go to town every so often, and when i do i HAVE to get my taco bell...
When i got back, i went out with my flock so they could range.
My shy rooster who still wont crow, and is a total coward shocked me.
I am chowing on my crunchy taco supreme.. he jumps up, mind you, i am 5 ft tall and steals it from me MID BITE!!!
It was so funny, i couldnt be angry!
(glad i bought a few extra hehehe)
They had a huge football game over that one taco, even the geese got involved... I love chicken TV!
They eat any snake they can, my girls killed a huge black ratsnake last week, several feet long.
they eat the goose poop

I have caught them stripping caulk from windows, cable ties if DH leaves them lay working on equipment.
caps from bottled water are a huge "game on" for them~~ no one has swallowed one, yet!
My girls will steal my hair ties and headbands, my geese will take my glasses!
I would be lost without my birds, they give me a lot of joy.

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