Whats the weirdest thing your chickens have eaten or tried to eat??

What I thought was odd is apparently not so odd! My RIR Pearlie (we call her garbage gut) used to eat the flaking paint off our garage door. She also eats the little plastic care tags that come with plants. They also got hold of a piece of styrofoam and ate almost the whole thing before I could get it away. Then they found it again.
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Well today I had a garage sale. Was sitting near the door of my coop and had a full package of cinnamon graham crackers. Was getting change for a customer when my chickens grabbed the whole package off my chair and took off across the yard with each one grabbing some. Made for some good entertainment.
Oh here's a new one for me today....
Everyone was pretty mad at Mommy by 2pm because they were not out at noon.
There was a heavy rain this morning.
My geese nearly knocked me off my feet flying out when i turned them loose!
I have never seen such a huge munchfest! All the bugs on the ground from the wind and rain was weird!
The most gross thing i saw was a huge cicada. Red my Roo was playing football with it dripping from his beak...
But my girl spike wasn't with the others chasing...hmmmm
so i am looking for spike, she had this huge slug?!? brown slimy thing, trying to swallow it all sneakey in the bushes..ewww

I tried to get a pic of it but she swallowed it before i could.
That scared me, hope the things not toxic.
my chickens like styrofoam too. i used to have some in my chicken's coop, but then one day i walked in and i heard this noise, tick, tick, tick, and i walked in and there they were, jumping up to the peices they couldn't reach and eating it! also, they love my hair, they looooove the sparkles on my flip-flops, they have eated a dead baby snake, many, many toads, usually only after they have been running around tenderizing it for a while. by the time someone swallows it, it's all squishy and gross
! they will eat feathers off each other, and even though i provide them with fresh water, they would rather drink mud from a puddle. what else have i missed... rhindstones, dirt, oh, and one time i dropped an egg inside the chicken coop, and they went crazy!!!!!
A nest or whatever they're called of horseflies hatched in my backyard awhile ago and they were preparing to take off for the first time... The chickens went crazy over the little baby horseflies that were getting ready to fly XD I was yelling "eat 'em girls!" but then one bit me ._.
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I had the best musk melon for dessert last night and saved lots of melon on the rind for the gang for this morning. my original gang of 7 tore into it and sprayed juice everywhere as I would expect...

my 3 new babes, who sleep in their own enclosure for now, til the pecking order calms down, won't go near their slice... they are hiding in the corner like I'm some kind of mad woman bringing them toxic bombs...! I'm hoping they'll try it later on, and that I will find a clean picked rind when I get home.
BBQ ribs. Straight outa the scrap bucket (they just picked clean the gnawed bones)... BTW anyone catch that photo of the chicken with the live mouse hanging out of her mouth (it was posted on Predators and Pests)-- THAT was pretty weird.
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I'm sure one of my girls has eaten the little wing-nut that holds the two parts of the feeder together. I can't find it anywhere. I guess who ever did is a true "wing-nut"
My girls are always trying to eat my jewelry. I like to sit outside with them and read and they will jump on the bench or chair that I'm sitting on and peck at my earings or braclet. I forgot I had an ankle braclet on one morning when I went to let them out of the coop, they reminded me quickly!! LOL

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