Whats the weirdest thing your chickens have eaten or tried to eat??

Not really strange, just kinda surprizing.
My turkeys ate one of those giant Asian wasps. Sure I had given it a good swatting to stun it but that little stinger could be seen going in and out like a little wasp gun. How it didnt get stung, or why it didnt react to it stinging the piss outta the crop is beyond me. I was going to get it out with tweezers then toss it to them, but the second that wasp was down it was in the toms mouth.
Guess it was silly to worry.
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Just the other day, Oreo, one of my barred rocks found a dead sparrow. She ran around the yard with it in her beak. The other three hens ripped the wings off the sparrow and ate them. Then Oreo swallowed the rest of the bird whole. I was not surprised that they were eating it, but I thought they would pull it a part piece by piece not swallow it whole.
While weeding in my flower garden I saw a translucent lime green/yellow spider. I ran in and got my camera and started snapping pictures of the spider. I saw movement out ot the corner of my eye and while I was snapping pic's, Little Red ate my spider. I was so worried it would kill her. All is still well. (Not so much for the spider)
This sounds boring compared to the rest of these, but our chickens have eaten a whole rhubarb plant, the leaves of which are highly toxic. Whats more, they seem to love it!
Tiny clear glass beads! They got into some art supplies. It probably made their poop sparkle

My earbud. One hen used to leap up and grab for my earbuds everytime I walked in the pen. One time she grabbed it as I was leaning over cleaning out their feeder. The earbud plug pulled out of my MP3 player and she was off and running! By the time I got her picked up, it was down her throat. I had to hang her upside down and It took about three minutes to slowly pull it back out along with a generous amount of chicken puke. I still have the earbuds...and they still work!! Needless to say, I don't even take my MP3 down there anymore!!

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