Whats the weirdest thing your chickens have eaten or tried to eat??

I'm so glad others have had trouble with their chickens eating Styrofoam. Before we knew any better my husband got some free recycled Styrofoam insulation and used it in the coop. They ate everything they could reach! We had to take it down and hide it. Every once in a while they find a small piece and go to town on it. Weirdos!

My Rhode Island Red has an obsession with dog food. The poor dog stands there patiently every morning and politely watches Red eat her fill before she can have her breakfast.

I crochet and they have gotten a hold of the other end of the yarn I was working with. Nothing grosser than being forced to finish a project by using a chunk of yarn you pulled out of a chickens crop. The look on the goofy-girl's face though, when she realized she couldn't swallow it all, was priceless!

One of the little buggers ate one of the two stones out of my wedding ring. It was loose and before I knew it she plucked it out and swallowed it. Good thing it was only cubic zirconium. Gave me an excuse to upgrade to a higher quality ring with real stones.

They have also eaten lizards and small frogs...watching them swallow it whole
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The craziest thing my chickens have eaten is a dead frog. We have an inground swimming pool so of course we always get mice, frogs, moles and other random creatures that unfortunately wander a little to close to the pool edge and drown. My father was cleaning out the pool skimmer and he flung a dead frog out of the skimmer onto the grass where the chickens were of course watching him. (Our chickens love to follow us around the yard and watch us like hawks...they are always watching us do whatever it is we are doing).
Well apparently the chickens attacked the dead frog and some of them managed to run away with a leg or an arm. I must say I was pretty disturbed when my dad came in to tell me that is what they had eaten.

Other then that our chickens love fish, yogurt, melon's, berries and practicitly anything you throw at them.
For my last flock, it was the neighbors kitten. The poor thing wandered into my yard. Next thing I hear, was the shrieking sounds from a tortured cat. When I ran outside, I saw a bleeding kitten running across my yard with two RIR and one JG in hot pursuit. Fortunately, the kitten recovered and grew up to be a fine, well mannered house cat with a terrifying phobia of birds.

My present flock tries to swallow my shoelaces and tear apart my blue jeans. They also like to fly up onto the coop's roof and try to pick off the gravel from the asphalt shingles. Their favorite of all times is my smart phone. Put one in the grass, or even in my pocket and they will spend all day trying to eat it. The BR has even try to run off with it while dragging the phone in its beak.
My sweet little Japanese bantam pullet was happily waddling across the lawn with a big ol' anole lizard hanging from her beak. -and before long, the rest of the flock was in pursuit!

....and one day, much to our surprise, our OEGB pullet went streaking across the porch with a snake in her beak!
It's always entertaining to see what new delicacies they've discovered.....
Yep I now have no styrofoam under my porch on the foundation. And we are trying to put vinyl siding on the house. Learned very fast only put as much foam on the bottom of the house as you can get covered by siding that day. If there is a ladder leaning on the house they would find it and happily sit there eating the foam halfway up the walls!!!! My banties I have now dont seem to care so much for the foam as the standard hens did. Other than that they eat everything they can get into their beaks and God knows with an old farm house property what they find!!!!
Well actually this morning we caught a mouse (in a mousetrap) but the little bugger only got his leg stuck, so it was still alive. Now this may not be the most humane thing, but we took the trap and threw it in with the chicken. I have a Buckeye rooster and they say they go after anything. As soon as the mouse moved they ran over and pecked at it, and at the end my rooster was parading around the yard with the mouse in his mouth (dead by this time).
I guess they do go after anything!
The craziest thing my chickens have eaten is a dead frog. We have an inground swimming pool so of course we always get mice, frogs, moles and other random creatures that unfortunately wander a little to close to the pool edge and drown. My father was cleaning out the pool skimmer and he flung a dead frog out of the skimmer onto the grass where the chickens were of course watching him. (Our chickens love to follow us around the yard and watch us like hawks...they are always watching us do whatever it is we are doing).

I must say I was pretty disturbed when my dad came in to tell me that is what they had eaten.

Other then that our chickens love fish, yogurt, melon's, berries and practicitly anything you throw at them.
I wonder if they think frog legs taste like chicken also? LoL

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