Whats the weirdest thing your chickens have eaten or tried to eat??

This is my second time at chickens. My last flock about 8 years ago used to steal my food right off my little Weber grill. I had a flare up and ran inside to get a spray bottle and when I came out the grill was missing two pork tenderloins and my rooster and one of my hens had singed feathers on their head.
They lived another four years and the feathers grew back except near the beak area of the rooster.
I'm sure they were innocent.
my yard is comprised of orchard grasses, wild flowers, English Thyme and Scottish Thistle. the thyme i enjoy even if it is invasive, my yard turns purple in the summer, it doesn't grow too terribly tall and it smells great when it's mowed... but the prickly thistle is a pain. I missed one, and now it's a big one, how I missed it... i have no idea, but it's 4' tall and all the flowers have gone to seed, the fluffy seeds were all over the run when I let the gang out this afternoon. I figured they would maybe try to eat the little seed from the center and have a heck of a time getting rid of the little floaty threads, but nope... they had no trouble with the hairy part and I had fun blowing them into the air and watching them leap up and snatch them with ease.

someone mentioned earlier that they had a Barred Rock that is a walking stomach...
...I have one too, she eats the gnats that fly too close to my head while she's riding on my shoulder. all my gang prefer to eat from my hand rather than what i scatter (they'll get that later maybe...?), but she prefers to just hop in my lap and help herself to the container. She got her beak in my juice the other day... so, she got the rest of it... i love them, but i can't bring myself to any kind of 3 second rule when it comes to beaks...or feet.
I found a ground squirrel in the barn...dead and it's tail about a foot away. It's like having cats, but they make me food. Now if they'd just catch that mouse running around I'd be super happy.
A long strip of silicon sealant they pulled off a window frame. It looked enticingly like a worm. After a lot of fighting over it, the victor was unable to swallow it all and had about 6 inches hanging out her beak. So a game of chicken chasey started, with the other girls trying to get it and me trying to catch her and remove the piece of silicon. What a sight we must have been.

They must also think I'm made of food. Regardless of footwear, every day at least one chook pecks my foot.
A long strip of silicon sealant they pulled off a window frame. It looked enticingly like a worm. After a lot of fighting over it, the victor was unable to swallow it all and had about 6 inches hanging out her beak. So a game of chicken chasey started, with the other girls trying to get it and me trying to catch her and remove the piece of silicon. What a sight we must have been.

They must also think I'm made of food. Regardless of footwear, every day at least one chook pecks my foot.
From California!!!
Penny (Rhode Island Red in avatar) was in the Winter Parlor where my teenage son was zoned into the big screen. Quick as a flash, Penny pulled all the pizza from his plate, dashing behind the sofa and out the doggy door with the largest slice.
dog fur sad thing is they dont wait for it to come off the dogs they pluck it them selfs my poor samoyed and pit bull the chicken pick on them non stop beating them up and everything else my 13 year old lab they tryed to mess with her but it took one bark snap at head chicken she went running bwalking like crazy now they repect her space lol but the other 2 run from the chickens.

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