What's with your user name? And what about that avatar?

Quote: I wish Pony Club was big in the Gilroy area, but sadly it isn't. About an hour North of me it is, though, I think they have 6-7 clubs... there's also a local hunt club, "The Los Altos Hounds".

FYI, the pony in the top picture was a register 1/2 Arab, probably the best pony I ever bred and owned. Sure do miss him.


My go to horse was one I bred He was half Arab Half Standardbred... bout 15.2 hands.... He had knees when he jumped.... LOL... We did everything except hunting and competitive trail. Dressage made us a better team. My trainer at the time taught me how to drive and when my Mare died suddenly she taught me how to train him to be a drivng horse. He was too young for riding only about two. Physically he was still a kid so I opted to wait Driving was the best option.

Percherons have Arab qualities believe it or not.... Way back when the Goodolphin Arabian was brought to England an infusion of Arab went into many different breeds.... Percherons were the recipient. My Katie does the whirly bird occasionally when she is playing.

I never ever walk behind a horse.... Beautiful but they freak me out

Only way to walk around behind a horse is to talk as you walk stay out of range or stay inside of range within a foot. And that is when they are not loose in a pasture with other horses. Kicking usually occurs when a horse wants to kick another horse or a horse fly is about.

basic safety... other conditions do apply.... but those come with experience.

My Neighbors horses are a little wild they've all come galloping directly for me when I've been in their pen... The younger ones and the little male all veer off but the lead mare gets so close it's terrifying... I'll just keep my distance :D
Another friends horse like to do the same thing... In my memory Gus this big white stallion is taller than me at the shoulders (i'm short but not that short...well maybe) standing in my friends field this big white Spitfire of a horse comes stampeding down this hill and he gets within a meter maybe closer before he turns and stops waiting for you to scratch his forelock .... it was absolutely terrifying, but my friends assured me the horse wouldn't run in to me so I stayed put.... Yup beautiful but terrifying
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Thats so cool you trained sport ponies! I love horses so much, I wish i could have my own but their just too expensive.
Buying a horse isnt the expensive part.

Its only expensive if you have to board. Here we feed hay year round because there is no pasture. It costs me about 9 bales a month for a draft horse. about 135-170 a month. But a light horse will only eat a bale and a half a week. or six bales a month.... 100 to 120. Oh and if you arent on the west coast Our bales of hay run about 100-135 pounds each. go by pounds not bales.

Though I do like boarding facilities because they clean and feed and water and have places to exercise the horse like an arena or two... and trail access and people to help you if you need help... stuff like that. I paid around 300 a month on average for good places to board my horse.
it was worth it when I worked.
I always say that there's no such thing as a free horse, lol. Hay, dentals, farrier, it adds up very quickly.

My Neighbors horses are a little wild they've all come galloping directly for me when I've been in their pen... The younger ones and the little male all veer off but the lead mare gets so close it's terrifying... I'll just keep my distance

Another friends horse like to do the same thing... In my memory Gus this big white stallion is taller than me at the shoulders (i'm short but not that short...well maybe) standing in my friends field this big white Spitfire of a horse comes stampeding down this hill and he gets within a meter maybe closer before he turns and stops waiting for you to scratch his forelock .... it was absolutely terrifying, but my friends assured me the horse wouldn't run in to me so I stayed put.... Yup beautiful but terrifying

yep horses have strange sight they respond to a tree standing in the field and will go around it even if its a peeple.

BTW I never go around or handle Stallions. they are too un predictable and I dont have the temperament for them. First thing my Marc got was his lower lobotomy when his testicles dropped. He was about 1 and a half.

Walking in a field or large paddock with several horses is something that should be left to the owners or people who are confidient.... Herd dynamics often times trump conditional training. Boss mare is the more dangerous one in the herd. She will punch the stallion if he gets too rambuctious and he will back off... By punch they will use their head with teeth bared or kick or strike with front feet. A clue that she is displeased will be the stinkeye eyes closed partially ears flat back against the neck and the head and neck extended almost straight out....

She will discipline any in the heard Stallions mares and even babies.... Though she will be gentler with the youngsters but they will remember herd rules by the time they are adults. Often times there will be two lead mares.... The Alpha and the Beta. Betas are what my mare is.... she would not be in charge in the herd but she would deliver stinkeyed moments as a reinforcement of the rules.

Dominant mares I have heard are more difficult to train.... My girl is no exception...
My neighbors lead mare is off to be trained since he actually knows very little about horses this is definitely going to be a good thing... His stallion had a undescended testicles and still managed to breed the mare (who is quite a few hands taller than him) twice... He is since been fixed... Gelded is that the word?

Here they are eating my lawn a few weeks ago, Whisky is the dark little male, Luna is the lighter female... I like them a lot, especially when I'm on the right side of the fence :D
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We have two stud ponies, both with very different temperaments. One I feel safe around, but the other is not very trustworthy. I'm like you, don't have the personality to to handle them correctly, so both will be gelded and will make very nice geldings.


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