What's with your user name? And what about that avatar?

Quote: I do. I have a mixed flock. It's my first flock as an adult :) I have 2 Buff Orpingtons 1 rooster 1 hen, the rest are hens and they are 2 Cuckoo Cochins, 2 Golden Sex Links, 1 Leghorn (her pair passed at 3wks, she had something neurologically wrong with her), and then 4 EE. They were suppose to be Amerauacanas, but while they *might* be from 2 ams they aren't a recognized color for ams (I found out later they came from a hatchery, have learned a lot since then, I love my EE don't get me wrong, I just really wanted pure ams). It's quite a colorful group of girls (and 1 boy) and I love watching them. They're pretty amazing!

Also, mine were all suppose to be pullets lol. I bought 8 in the first batch and ended up with 1 cockerel, which I decided to keep because I was already super attached to him. Second batch I bought 5 of what were suppose to be Ameraucanas, 4 ended up being EE, the 5th ended up being a mean little RIR cockerel who went back to the store. He tormented the EE so he had to go. I figure 10 out of 13 isn't too bad. I plan to add a couple more to my flock.
@trailrider330 , Do you have your own horses? It took me awhile to figure out how to change my avatar. I am computer challenged though. LOL!
I have owned horses nearly all of my life and have been riding since I was in diapers. I have almost always had somewhere between 1-5 horses around, but am currently without one. I showed horses for about 15 years and then rode trails for about 10 years after that. Unfortunately, a few years ago I had to put my last remaining show/trail horse down. Since I had her since I was 11-years-old, and she was 2-years-old, we were very bonded and I have not had the heart to get another. I guess after more than 25 years with the same horse, while others came and went, it kind of feels like a betrayal yet at this point. I rode a friend's horse about a year ago and felt guilty the entire time. I also have 3 little kids running around, so time for a horse is greatly diminished. While I certainly miss having horses and hope to have one again in the future, I can't say I miss bailing hay, mucking stalls daily or chipping ice buckets. I guess I am now channeling my love of animals into chickens and hope to start breeding, and possibly showing, them soon (though I find myself still having to chip ice buckets).
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I have had horses pretty much solidly for 50 years... Took a break when my son was a youngster... about ten years.. But I got back into them in 2000.

I showed some but mostly trailrode.... then got into Dressage and driving... Nothing fancy but I wanted better communication with my horse and found that driving was just another thing to do for variety...

So Now I have a 2000 pound Pasture ornament.... LOL.. I can barely walk much less harness and hitch. But I love my girl and promised to give her a forever home.


edited to add: there is a discussion thread link at the bottom of my signature. feel free to join in if you want... its a diverse collection of horsey chicken people... LOL
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My username was chosen because I love bantams. Their personalities are quite endearing.

My current avatar is a line drawing of a white Chantecler. I have it there so I can burn the correct back line and breast depth into my mind.
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Thought I would let you all know about my avatar. She is my blue copper marans.


Her name is Stella. She is a perfect hen. I have taken her on trips to my daughter's school. Stella and I do a presentation where I show the children a colorful dozen of eggs, a double yolk egg, pictures of the flock, etc.

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