What's with your user name? And what about that avatar?

My username is YellowLegs, how I came up with it was a neighbor who had 3 chickens living in his backyard, when one of them got loose. She must had walked the fence line and decided living behind our fence was a nice place for her. She even made like a nest next to the fence, she had water, food, and shelter because of the thick growth of trees we had back there. She was such a dark red color and it was so dark in the woods, that all you could see was her yellow legs moving about. So, I called her "Yellow Legs" the neighbor would try to catch her but failed and he was working a lot, plus he knew we were watching her. But, sadly an animal must had got her like a fox or coyote. All we saw was a bunch of feathers and never saw her again. I miss her. The avatar I found when I saw a bag of Jelly Belly candy corn at work on day and decided to see if I could find the same image.
My user name is Chickadee42 because I like to call my chickens my little chickadees, also chickadees are one of my favorite birds (after chickens or course ;) ) the 42 part is from the book, "A Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy", because 42 is the answer to the universe.
My avatar is my favorite rhode Island red, Ruby and I think she's adorable. :D

Sweet reference to hitch hickeys guide to the galaxy, I hear the books are awesome... Only ever saw the movie

My username is YellowLegs, how I came up with it was a neighbor who had 3 chickens living in his backyard, when one of them got loose. She must had walked the fence line and decided living behind our fence was a nice place for her. She even made like a nest next to the fence, she had water, food, and shelter because of the thick growth of trees we had back there. She was such a dark red color and it was so dark in the woods, that all you could see was her yellow legs moving about. So, I called her "Yellow Legs" the neighbor would try to catch her but failed and he was working a lot, plus he knew we were watching her. But, sadly an animal must had got her like a fox or coyote. All we saw was a bunch of feathers and never saw her again. I miss her. The avatar I found when I saw a bag of Jelly Belly candy corn at work on day and decided to see if I could find the same image.

That's a neat name great story
Turtles are my favorite animals......they don't get anywhere unless they stick their necks out.

Minnehaha - I did read the post about the David statue. When that fuss came around I just rolled my eyes. All those little old ladies protesting......all I could think of during that whole episode was that song by Ray Stevens about the half-crazed, Mississippi squirrel!
Hahahahahahaha....that song is PERFECT for that particular piece of Soo Foo history!
Rani. That's my chicken stage name. -My real name means "lustful and eager for sexual gratification" in all English speaking countries except for my own (well - it's in the dictionary, but I guess my parents never bothered to check). We just say "Horny" on this side of the ocean. So - when i would go abroad, I would introduce myself as Rani to save everyone from any awkward moments. That's it.
Rani. That's my chicken stage name. -My real name means "lustful and eager for sexual gratification" in all English speaking countries except for my own (well - it's in the dictionary, but I guess my parents never bothered to check). We just say "Horny" on this side of the ocean. So - when i would go abroad, I would introduce myself as Rani to save everyone from any awkward moments. That's it.
So...does that mean your name is Randi or Randy? Male of Female? My brother's name is Randy, short for Randall, and his daughter's name is Randi Jean. Male names for girls run in my family a lot either as nick names of given names.

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