whats wrong with my hen? *video* unbalanced...NEW VIDEO~post#385

Pip&Squeek2 :


Can anyone tell me what the adult chickens are. These are the mom and dad to the little one that I have been doing the B therapy with. I don't know much about breeds but a vet I called was wondering what breed the parents were.

I told the vet that the baby having problems is a bantam but I don't know if I am right. I am going by pictures that I have seen.​
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Pip&Squeek2 :

Pip&Squeek2 :


Can anyone tell me what the adult chickens are. These are the mom and dad to the little one that I have been doing the B therapy with. I don't know much about breeds but a vet I called was wondering what breed the parents were.

I told the vet that the baby having problems is a bantam but I don't know if I am write. I am going by pictures that I have seen.​

This is momma! Snickers!

This is pappa! Cocoa!
Crap....I read and read, and all I could come up with was Marek's. I just had a friend cull my beautiful Lavender cuckoo D'anver...dammit, the one time I don't wait too long to put a chicken down. I have the tendancy for waiting too long, and then I feel bad that I allowed them to suffer. I thought for sure Marek's and that I was just needlessly allowing her to suffer.

How do you tell that it is Marek's or just a Vitamin B deficiency???

Thanks for posting...at least there is hope for any this happens to in the future.


From what Ive heard/read Mareks cant be diagnosed until after the bird has died. I would say though that if the paralysis is in the legs and wings and not effecting the neck, by all means try vitamin B. Now if you feed your flock foods with a good source of vitamin B, such as nutritional yeast, then in the case of paralysis of any kind I would not suspect vit B deficiency. Does that make sense? Im giving my birds nutritional yeast in their morning food from now on.
Oh No! I never meant to suggest that anyone was wrong, or that vit B therapy was somehow bad. I have been reading a lot of threads that discuss vit B as a good thing for our birds to have. I only meant to say that, in the abscence of any external symptoms, are there possibilities that are "undiagnosable", and we're really doing the best by offering pallative care?

I knew what you were saying. If my chicken seemed to be in pain, I would...well, don't even want to think about what I would "feel like" I "should" do. This Vitamin B treatment can't hurt them in any way, so I prefer to try it. Mine is about 4 months old...has a sister (much smaller) that came from the same hatch, so I wonder why this one is so much bigger... Doesn't matter though. Her sister is fine. And she is definitely better than she was. Has a long way to go, I imagine, but she really is improving. DH noticed it, and even my 5 year old granddaughter noticed, so I knew it wasn't my imagination.
I was handling her last night and moved her wing or leg wrong, and she let me know it hurt. So that tells me since she doesn't make any noise when I move her (normally) or when she is trying so hard to move herself around, or even pushes pretty hard on my hands, she is not in pain. She has lots of company around her cage (probably wanting a bite of her food) and I have a box fan turned partially toward her. It is so unbelievably hot out there! However...there does seem to be a breeze coming through a lot of the time, so it isn't as bad as it could be, I guess. I hope.
Oh No! I never meant to suggest that anyone was wrong, or that vit B therapy was somehow bad. I have been reading a lot of threads that discuss vit B as a good thing for our birds to have. I only meant to say that, in the abscence of any external symptoms, are there possibilities that are "undiagnosable", and we're really doing the best by offering pallative care?

I knew what you were saying. If my chicken seemed to be in pain, I would...well, don't even want to think about what I would "feel like" I "should" do. This Vitamin B treatment can't hurt them in any way, so I prefer to try it. Mine is about 4 months old...has a sister (much smaller) that came from the same hatch, so I wonder why this one is so much bigger... Doesn't matter though. Her sister is fine. And she is definitely better than she was. Has a long way to go, I imagine, but she really is improving. DH noticed it, and even my 5 year old granddaughter noticed, so I knew it wasn't my imagination.
I was handling her last night and moved her wing or leg wrong, and she let me know it hurt. So that tells me since she doesn't make any noise when I move her (normally) or when she is trying so hard to move herself around, or even pushes pretty hard on my hands, she is not in pain. She has lots of company around her cage (probably wanting a bite of her food) and I have a box fan turned partially toward her. It is so unbelievably hot out there! However...there does seem to be a breeze coming through a lot of the time, so it isn't as bad as it could be, I guess. I hope.

Spoggy, I understand what you were saying as well. No harm done!
Hi there guys, I thought I would just update a bit about my Runt. I can't say for sure but this little one seems to be getting stronger legs. S/he is trying to get up and move more than s/he has for awhile now. S/he is eating way better as well!!! It seems like s/he is afraid of the little watering thing. When s/he was flopping around s/he fell into the little dish where the beak was submerged in the water...I think it has really scared him/her cause s/he shook really bad afterward. So I will have to work on the water thing.

S/he seems to be using it's wings to balance a lot more. So overall it looks like s/he is looking stronger. Can't walk right and still off balance pretty bad but I am seeing something a bit different. I get so excited in the morning to see her/him...I am always hoping when I look over at the little cage thing I have, that s/he has flew out and is walking all over the room. Lol...Soon I pray that will happen. Every day brings more and more love for this little one. Such an awesome will to live. It's as if s/he doesn't even realize something is wrong at times...til s/he tries to walk and then will look at me like, "what the world".

Any news on Pumpkin? I can't wait to see what is said about her. Hope and pray they have an idea what to do for her.

Pip&Squeek2 that is wonderful news. Keep us updated on Runt and his recovery.
Im anxious to hear about Pumpkin also. I really hope to hear something from everyone on here who is trying the vitamin B therapy.

The Lovely Miss Pumpkin LIVES!!! She has one bad-azzed ear infection!!!

Of course she has to act all perky and well as soon as we are in the vets office. She even flew up onto a perch and perched without any trouble. We haven't seen her do that in weeks.

And, of course, the vet is looking at me like, "ummmm, euthanize??????"

Nothing broken, no paralysis, nothing neurological. To be on the safe side we opted for x-rays, blood work, etc.

She's got her meds and should be okay. She said she felt sure at this point that Pumpkin is all set with her vitamins.

Pumpkin sends ooodles of love out to y'all who have been thinking about her and she expects me to keep an eye on this thread to see how all her fellow Vitamin B peeps are faring!

This is such fantastic news! I almost had to laugh, remembering how it was when I was a Pediatric nurse. Mom's would call....kids so sick....we'd get them in that the kids would suddenly get well! Over and over. I had no idea a chicken could have an ear infection. I'm sooooooo happy you took the little thing in. I would have mine at the vet if I thought Hubby would survive the bill!

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