whats wrong with my hen? *video* unbalanced...NEW VIDEO~post#385

Please don't stop posting!!! I am learning along with you, and I'm feeling lost and scared too. DH tolerates me (he better!!!) but I have heard him say, more than once, "it's just a chicken!" - not necessarily talking about the one that can't walk, but about others in general when I pamper them like I would a child, almost. Boy does that rile me, and I let him know it. And he truly does care about them....not to the extent that I do, but he does care - he just doesn't want me to know it!
With Runt having the smaller leg and foot, there may be an abnormality there, which might account for his/her size. I'm just rambling here, because I sure don't know. But having the abnormalty in the food and leg shouldn't be something causing death. Runt would just learn to adjust to it when he/she starts getting around. So you would just have a crippled chicken. Does that make sense?
Keep posting!!!

Thank you for the post...I have thought of the abnormality as well, however, up until the last 5 days, s/he was walking and getting around great. That is what has be confused. I wouldn't mind taking care of a crippled chicken as long as I know s/he isn't suffering.
My hubby says the same thing...but I know he enjoys sitting in the back yard with me or alone just watching the chickens interact.

Thanks again for the encouragement!

Thank you for the post. It was very informational.

Where do I go to see the video? I am new to this site and still trying to figure it out.
Also, how old is Baby? Did she seem to sleep a lot too?

I appreciate all the encouragement sincerely.

Pip&Squeek2 :

Please don't stop posting!!! I am learning along with you, and I'm feeling lost and scared too. DH tolerates me (he better!!!) but I have heard him say, more than once, "it's just a chicken!" - not necessarily talking about the one that can't walk, but about others in general when I pamper them like I would a child, almost. Boy does that rile me, and I let him know it. And he truly does care about them....not to the extent that I do, but he does care - he just doesn't want me to know it!
With Runt having the smaller leg and foot, there may be an abnormality there, which might account for his/her size. I'm just rambling here, because I sure don't know. But having the abnormalty in the food and leg shouldn't be something causing death. Runt would just learn to adjust to it when he/she starts getting around. So you would just have a crippled chicken. Does that make sense?
Keep posting!!!

Thank you for the post...I have thought of the abnormality as well, however, up until the last 5 days, s/he was walking and getting around great. That is what has be confused. I wouldn't mind taking care of a crippled chicken as long as I know s/he isn't suffering.
My hubby says the same thing...but I know he enjoys sitting in the back yard with me or alone just watching the chickens interact.

Thanks again for the encouragement!


LOL.....My husband does the same thing. He will sit on the porch, and talk to them and feed them by hand. We don't have coops and a run set up completely yet, so that we could actually sit out there in a chair and watch them, when they are penned, but they free range all day, and spend time on the porch and mostly stay pretty close to the house. So we are never without some in view.
hahaha it must be a guy thing.my husband thought i lost my mind when he say me hugging and giving the chickens kisses,and naming them,ect.he was raised to just have them for eggs and meat.now he loves them as much as me but tries to keep it under cover.

day 4 for queeny-not a whole lot of change.i feed her often during the day and give her vit. b water.then she still gets her meds. that the vet gave her twice a day.shes still leaning to the left.she gets around some,but is real wobbly.she has fallen over a couple of times and couldnt get herself back up.i will be soooo happy when she can eat on her own again.it takes me about 45 mins. to take care of her every time i take her out of her cage and thats at least 4-6 times a day.but we still have hope.
I baraquaded an area for Little Friend and Baby to stay in. For days I'd sit out and watch over Baby. If Little Friend would move to a new spot, Id move Baby. I always made sure he had food and within reach and offer him water throughout the day. When Baby would poo, he'd want to move away from it so I'd move him.
I felt the same way...."I cant wait until he can move around himself again. It seemed to take days until he was even somewhat mobile. Even then if he toppled over Id have right him.
Im not complaining, it was what I wanted to do for him. I just knew eventually he would recover, and he did.
Everyone except the woman who advised I used vit B therapy and myself thought Baby would die. He really was quite bad, at least in how he was unable to function.
I hope for success for everyone and their sick babies and I look forward to hearing from all who have written to this thread regarding a sick/injured bird.
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well queeny may taking a turn for the worse.i put her on puppy pads today to check how her poos are.i left for an hour and she only had 1 poo ( i think it was her poo) it was right next to the water and was nothingbut greenish color water.one thing the vet was concerned about was the fact that she was eating alot but loosing alot of weight.so i dont think the food is going where its suppose to cause it sure doesnt make any sense.ill keep doing what ive been doing and see what happens.but if i see shes going backwards,im not gonna make her suffer,i will put her down.lets hope it doesnt come to that.i hope every one else is doing better..
If she eats a lot and doesnt gain or even loses wt, doesnt that indicate worms/worm of some kind? Isnt there a way to treat for worms? I know I read something on here about that.

The problem with treating with vitamins is that you also feed whatever living thing has set up "house" in her intestines. I can see where vitamin therapy might NOT be so good if that is the case.
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